Global Problems


Global Problems

Many countries faces threat due to up levelling of oceans.

Continued decrease in watervolume in Amu river due to Climate Change and Human Activities

Problems of Lahore City

Causes of plant extinction and its impact on human life.

Causes of food crisis

Not giving priority to agriculture. Damage to crops due to climate change.Loss of crops due to lack of water. Effects of drought on crops. Lack of use of good machainery in agriculture. Conversion of agricultural lands into residential areas. Some governments do not invest well in agriculture sector. In most countries weather conditions are not provided in a timely manner. Not having easy access to good seeds. Destructive effects of natural disasters on crops. Destructive effects of natural disasters on crops. Lack of training and crop knowledge among farmers. Non-availability of fertilizers on time. Destruction of agriculture due to wars. Not adopting modern methods of livestock management. Lack of veterinarians harms agriculture. Do not give Spacial attention to the livestock department.

Cigarettes Smoking

(1) Numbers of factories are producing cigarettes worldwide.
(2) Production methodolgy of cigarettes.
(3) Invention of Cigarette.
(4) the production of cigarettes in all over the world every year.
(5) Users of cigarettes.
(6) Use of cigarettes in public places.
(7) Amount of nicotine in each cigarette.
(8) Remianents of cigarettes.
(9) Each packet is packed in a plastic, which is not easily recyclable.
(10) Easily usable source for other drugs.
(11) Kinds of cigarettes.
(12) Health Effects.
(i) Effects of cigarettes on human appearance.
(ii) Mouth Problems.
(iii) Lungs Problems.
(13) US government actions to stop smoking.
(14) United Nations efferts.
(15) Other countries actions for prevention of smoking.
(16) Loss of lives due to smoking each year.

Drought Effects globally

Drought is a period of time in which a region receives less precipitation than normal range. The amount of moisture decreases and the groundwater level also goes down. It is also a reason for diminishing the stream flow. Drought causes damage to plants and crops. Drought is the cause of water shortage . Sometimes drought remains for more than 10 years. The drought remains for a long period of time than it is more harmful. Some research shows that. The drought is often a reason for migration. A lot of people migrate for the sake of water to other places. These people are known as water refugees. Drought is not making only human refugees and causing wildlife to be compelled for migration. Drought has the worst effect on forests. It is the main cause of extinction of many animals and plants. In drought the humidity of the environment reduces. Then it causes throat and nose diseases.

Students faces problems worldwide.

(1) Parents makes problems in education.
(2) Impacts of low income of family on education of student.
(3) Heavy fee of educational institutions.
(4) Problems facing students of far villages from cities.
(5) Child labours impacts on students.
(6) In some countries family permission require for female educattion.
(7) Cultural ristriction on female education.
(8) Women face security issues on way of school and house.
(9) Facilities require for education.
(10) School uniform make problems for students.
(11) Impacts of literacy rate of the country on education.
(12) Joblesness impacts of education.
(13) Unavailability of books makes problems for students.
(14) Languages problems in education.
(15) Required high marks for admission also an issue for students.
(16) Recommendations is a big issue in education.
(17) Punishment of students is an issue in education.
(18) Issue of restricted sets in educational institute.
(19) Need of good teachers in education.
(20) Educational institution require identification documents.
(21) student needs atmospher for study.
(22) Using of addictive drugs by students.

Violations of women's rights and its effects on the women's lives.

The educational rights of womens are ruthlessly supressed.Harassment of women in various ways.Domestic violance against women. Forced marriage of women.Not leaving women for employment and work.Not leaving women for employment and work.leaving all the responsibilities of the children on the mother alone.Unequel pay of men and women.In Childbirth problems faacing women.Forcing women out of their professions.Not giving women the right to vote. Giving women in exchange for loss.

Global damage caused by Plastic Bags.

The process of the production of plastic bags. The invention of plastic bags. The amount of plastic bags used per year. Use of plastic bags and sheets. Single-use plastic bags produce a large quantity of garbage each year. Recycling process for plastic bags. Plastic bags lifecycle. Problem created by plastic bags in oceans. It causes of blocking drains and contaminating drinking water. Plastic bags effect on land. It also reduces the fertility of the soil. The burning of plastic bags emits a large amount of smoke. It has many health effects and also cause food chain problems. US government, United Nations and other countries efferts to stop the using of plastic bags.

Global unemployment and its effects.(2024)

(1) Number of unemployed people globally.
(2) Unemployment is a major reason for begging.
(3) Due to unemployment, people become involved in various crimes.
(4) Many people become psychotic due to unemployment
(5) An increase in unemployment in any country leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of the people in that country.
(6) Addiction due to unemployment.
(7) Due to unemployment, people migrate on a large scale.

Problems faced by children worldwide and their causes.

(1) Garbage dumps in urban areas.
(2) Effects of wars on children's lives.
(3) Making child labor work.
(4) Kidnapping of children for ransom.
(5) Some parents refuse to vaccinate their children.
(6) Lack of measures to treat children in remote areas of many countries.
(7) Infants in many countries face nutritional problems.
(8) Children in remote areas of most countries face difficulties in getting education.
(9) Some parents prefer sons over daughters.
(10) Recruiting young children into armed groups.
(11) Use of narcotic drugs to sedate infants.
(12) Torturing children in educational institutions or homes.
(13) Begging children.
(14) Abusing children.
(15) Harassment of girls on the way to schools or other educational institutions.
(16) Effects of parental divorce on children's lives.
(17) Parents who are not ready to take responsibility for their children.
(18) Difficulties in the life of migrant children.
(19) Children in prisons.
(20) Children born in prisons because of the crime of their parents.

Trade difficulties of landlocked countries.

Landlocked countries are countries that have other countries on all of their borders. Such countries do not have beaches. Which means these countries are surrounded by land from all sides. According to some estimates, the number of landlocked countries is 49. These countries often face the following difficulties in trade.
