Global Problems



Students faces problems worldwide.

(1) Parents makes problems in education.
(2) Impacts of low income of family on education of student.
(3) Heavy fee of educational institutions.
(4) Problems facing students of far villages from cities
(5) Child labours impacts on students
(6) In some countries family permission require for female educattion.
(7) Cultural ristriction on female education.
(8) Women face security issues on way of school and house.
(9) Facilities require for education.
(10) School uniform make problems for students.
(11) Impacts of literacy rate of the country on education.
(12) Joblesness impacts of education.
(13) Unavailability of books makes problems for students.
(14) Languages problems in education.
(15) Required high marks for admission also an issue for students.
(16) Recommendations is a big issue in education.
(17) Punishment of students is an issue in education.
(18) Issue of restricted sets in educational institute.
(19) Need of good teachers in education.
(20) Educational institution require identification documents.
(21) student needs atmospher for study.
(22) Using of addictive drugs by students.

(1) Parents makes problems in education

Many parents do not admit their children within time in schools. They do not well support their children in their studies. They do not provide the enough required material for studies . Some parents compelle students for a specific subject of their choice. In which the students may not have interest. There are also chances of the student is weak in the subject for which parents desire.

(2) Impacts of low income of family on education of student

Each year a large number of students leave studies due to poverty. There are many reasons behind the scene. Some parents are not in the position of supporting their children for education. It is very hard for parents in some countries to provide for their children. Some students are compelled to leave studies for sake of labor to support their families. Each year a large number of children are admitted in free of cost schools. which are run by some charity institutes or by governments. In many countries the schools are run by governments and charity trusts for free. but can not fulfill the requirements of needy students. These alo above mentions reason for poor students to leave school.

(3) Heavy fee of educational institutions

Almost all over the world, fees are required for education. It may be low in some countries or free till secondary level. It's only free in government schools. After that it requires a high amount of fee. Very few students have sources to pay their fee while other students work in different fields to fulfill their fee. A large ratio of pupils left their studies due to high fees each year. when a student moves abroad for sake of education. He must have a large amount for the education fee and living in that country. Some universities have scholarships for students. The number of these scholarships are very few. Most of these scholarships are available to influential persons. A very small percentage of these scholarships are available for intelligent students.

(4) Problems facing students of far villages from cities

The students live in far rural areas. Countries like the USA have managed enough educational institutions to provide facilities. But in many other countries the students of far rural areas do nothave the same facilities as in cities. There are many far villages which do not even have an active primary school. Some schools do not have teachers. The students can not travel to the cities due to daily transport expenses. Some villages have not transport system. This is all reasons compelled students leave education.

(5) Child labours impacts on students

Many families can not afford their food expenses. The school requires time and studying materials like books, notebooks , pens and many more. Some countries and organizations provide budgets for those poor students. But this budget is much lower than require amount . the budget provide by governments or organization is not honestly distribute. Worldwide, millions of students leave schools due to poorety. There are some schools for orphans. The admission in these schools on behalf of recommendations take place. The students are studying in some spacial schools of orphans . All of them are orphans. but belong to the rich class of orphans, not for poor orphans.

(6) In some countries family permission require for female educattion

In some backward countries there are many families not allowing their females for education. It is their family rule that women do not get education. Even though the females want to get education. they are denied females from education.

(7) Cultural ristriction on female education

There are some people follow specific cultures. Few cultures are not allowing females for education. they thought women as their property. Even though education is a basic right of all humans.

(8) Women face security issues on way of school and house

Women face problems in education in many parts of the world. Some parents not allowe their daughters for education. It's due to the rules of their families. Some female students are facing problems on the way to their schools. It may be sexul hrassment or stoping them from education. In comparison the population of male and females is almost the same. But in some places the number of female educational institutions is too less than males educatioal institutions. In some backward countries inside the schools they are harassed by their fellow and male teachers. Women do not have the same opportunities as men for jobs. This is also a big reason for the degradation of women intrus in education

(9) Facilities require for education

In an education system pupils and teachers both required facilities. Students require learning material liketo books, notebooks and many other necessities related to the field of studies. In some fields like sciences required science rooms and labs. Some material and devices are also require for experiments. Teachers also required teaching materials like approach to books and training for teaching good. salary for comfortable life and respect in society. There must be good coordination between teachers and students.

(10) School uniform make problems for students

In many countries there are different traditions. They have their local model of dressing. But the advanced educational institutes use modern types of dresses. The local residents of different countries do not easily accept the foreign tradition. This is also a reason for many pupils to leave school. They can not join advanced educational institutions due to opposing uniforms. It may be the student by himself or others thier guardiens .

(11) Impacts of literacy rate of the country on education

In those countries which have a low literacy rate. The people there do not take interest in education. Those countries which have low literacy rate also have low income rate. This is the reason people can not provide enough facilities for their children's education. The country which has a low literacy rate, it's clear that the government of that country has not good education policies.

(12) Joblesness impacts of education

Many educated people are jobless and looking for jobs. The parents do not give importance to education due to joblessness. The graduates students are looking foe jobs. they can not find jobs for themselves easily after graduation.The parents choosing arts or business for their children instead of education. the parents think that their children after graduation will look for a job for a long time And they will not find a job. So that's why the parents preferring a business or an art for their children. Because of this many parents in developing countries do not admit their children in schools.

(13) Unavailability of books makes problems for students

In higher education, some books of specific subjects are not easily available. There are some languages in which the books are not easily available of many authors. many places has not library facilities. Some places has library but the number of various books is restricted. Now a days a large number of books available on internet. But most of these books available in English language. Some books has very high prices which is not affordable for most of students.

(14) Languages problems in education

Most of the students face language problems. In which family a student birth they speak a language known as mother language. When the students get to school, they use another language. This language is known as the national language. And when the students reach college or university. The books of the high standards are available only in few international languages. The teachers use international languages.

(15) Required high marks for admission also an issue for students

Many institutions require high marks for admission and scholarships. It is not a problem for them how the students have got the marks. If a student is able and has good control on the subject for which he or she is applying. They must have a high score in previous stages otherwise no scholarships and no chance of an entry test due to he has not high grades. However they are more able thenthe candidates of high score holders. Obtained marks are a big issue all over the world. Many schools colleges and universities offer admissions on the basis of marks. In many educational institute's demand for high marks for the sake reputation. There are many educational institutions providing admission on the basis of numbers. In some countries they do not have a good education system. The students get high scores in examinations through cheating or recommendations. Students who are not influenced or recommended may not get good grades . In some institutions the twelfth standard all marks are considered in entry tests up to fourty percent. Many countries offer scholarships also on the bases of grades. It is not the reason for them the student has got these marks in which basis. Internationally scholarships offers through governments if that is a corrupt government. This is not a reason for them. They provide a list of selected candidates. The university also admits candidates which are selected by the nominated government. Many intelligent and able students can not reach their goals due to fake mark sheets and recommended students.

(16) Recommendations is a big issue in education

Recommendation is a big problem in in educational system of many countries of the world. This is a big reason for stopping able students from education. Powerful persons are influential in government institutions. They recommend their relatives and friends and their family members. For admission in high ranking educational institutions at national level. The common students collect fees and prepare for entry tests. But only a few of them can achieve admission in those schools, colleges or universities. A large ratio of admissions provide to recommended students. Then the able students are compelled to move to lower ranked institutions for admission.

(17) Punishment of students is an issue in education

Almost all over the world now the physical punishment has ended. But it may be in other methods like not good behavior with the pupils. Not giving the marks honestly. Grading on the bases of recommendations and other sources also as punisment for students .

(18) Issue of restricted sets in educational institute

There are some fields of study and some high quality colleges and universities have restricted sets for admissions. Every student wants to study in the best field of study and the best institutions. But it is not possible. There are some requirements for these fields of studies and educational institutions. As a tough entry test and high score in previous stages are required. Many students are too able but they do not have the required marks for the entry condition. So they avoid the admission in that field and institution. The set remains empty for other students who have high scores but not that much ability as those students who did not had enough marks for admission requirements. These institutions do not care how students get these scores

(19) Need of good teachers in education

The teachers must be polite and friendly. The teachers must have good control on subjects which are assigned for teaching.The teacher must not differ among the students on any basis. The teacher lesson plan must be easily understandable for pupils. The teacher shoul have good coordination with students in class. The students must not get bored in the classroom.

(20) Educational institution require identification documents

Any person in any country must have documents. In time of school admission the one of necessities is an identity card or parents identity card. The nationals of every country have their national identity cards. Some people travel to other countries where they have passports and valid visas. These students and children of these people can take admission. There are some legal refugees who have documentation of the host country. They are also acceptable. But there is a big problem for illegal refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons. The educational institute easly responds to them. We can not consider your application for admission. It's due to rule and law. With the saying of sorry in response to the application. All of their responsibilities are done in a well method. These undocumented persons and their innocent children are not eligible for admission. This is going on almost all over the world.

(21) student needs atmospher for study

For teaching and learning an environment required. For teaching a class is and able teachers are also required. The classroom must have a big black board for explanation. The board must be easily visible in the last chair of the classroom. All required necessaries for learning must be available. The students and teachers must cooperate with each other. In many places the above mentioned requirements are not available for students.

(22) Using of addictive drugs by students

At the age of 14 to 18 years. In this age everyone try to test everything. This is the reason many pupils leave their studies due to many bad habits like doping. Some students join bad company. They learn smoking and use many addictive drugs.

(23) low education budget

Many countries have low education budget. Due to low education budget, schools, colleges and university buildings are not good. Fucallty abilities also are lower level. The country does not provide required salaries for teachers. Due to this the able persons do not take interest in teaching. Most of these countries have a literacy rate lower than 65 percent.

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