Global Problems


Lohare City

Problems of Lahore City

History of Lahore city. Fog problems in Lahore city. Traffic issues in Lahore. Transport system of Lahore city. Air pollution problems in Lahore. Sound pollution in urban areas of Lahore. Decrease in the number of trees. Drinking water problems in Lahore city. Garbage dumps problems in the city. The problem of sewage drains. Rising house prices. The problem of low income of citizens. Youth unemployment.Industries in Lahore city. The issue of workers' rights. Educational problems in Lahore city. Bird problems in Lahore. Load shedding problem in Lahore.

(1) History of Lahore city.

In terms of history, Lahore is one of the oldest cities in Pakistan. Many historical events are connected with this city. Lahore has been known as the capital of Punjab for almost a thousand years. This city has been known as the center of civilization for a long time. Writers, singers and actors of this city are known all over the world for their art. This city reached its peak during the reign of Emperor Akbar who made it his capital. There are also seven old names of Lahore which have come to be known as Lahore with the passage of time. Laha-war, Laha-noor, Loh-pur, Mahmood-pur, Labokla, Samandpal Nagiri and Lohar-pur. Many historical events of the formation of Pakistan are also connected with the city of Lahore. The citizens of Lahore have played an important role in the making of Pakistan and in the development of Pakistan. Lahore city is also famous for its foods.

(2) The problem of overpopulation.

Based on the information, the population of Lahore city is about 14407000.The area of Lahore city is 1772 square kilometers. This means that 8130 people live in one kilometer square. Karachi is the most populated city in Pakistan. But the population density of Lahore is more than Karachi. Because 4500 people live in one kilometer square in Karachi. It is the second largest city of Pakistan and it is also the capital of Punjab. Lahore is the largest city of Punjab. Managing such a large population in such a small area is not an easy task.

(3) Fog problems in Lahore city.

Lahore is often foggy during the winter season. Fog consists of smoke and other pollution forming particles. One of the reasons is that many vehicles ply in Lahore city, which are often in a dilapidated condition.There are an equal number of motorcycles. There are also a large number of brick-making kilns on the outskirts of the city. A large number of industries are also active in the outskirts of the city and within the city. All industries require fuel or electricity to run machines. Industries use sources of fuel that are cheaper. The fuel that is cheap for factories will not be of high quality. The lower the quality of fuel used, the higher the losses. Coal is widely used in factories or brick kilns located on the outskirts of Lahore city. Often old tires are burned along with coal in metal industries. The burning of both of them releases large quantities of smoke and toxic substances.

(4) Traffic issues in Lahore.

According to statistics of Punjab Traffic Police.About 6.2 million vehicles are registered in Lahore. 4.2 million motorcycles are also registered in Lahore. Most of these vehicles run in Lahore. If we look in terms of percentage, 90% of these vehicles run in Lahore. According to an estimate, about nine million vehicles and motorcycles ply on the roads of Lahore. A large ratio of these vehicles consist of older vehicles. There are many reasons for such a high number of vehicles in this city. Such as the non-existence of good public transport. Public buses do not run in most places. Apart from all these there is another reason that everyone wants to have a personal car. Two million liters of fuel is used in Lahore city on a daily basis. Burning one liter of petroleum produces 230 grams of carbon dioxide gas. Burning such a large amount of fuel produces 460000 kilograms of carbon on a daily basis.The production of such a large amount of carbon dioxide can disrupt the entire ecosystem of the city. Older cars emit large amounts of soot and also emit large amounts of lead particles. which cause respiratory diseases and cancer.

(5) Transport system of Lahore city.

Buses, wagons , rickshaws and taxis are used for public transport purposes in Lahore city. Hundreds of buses are operated by the public and the government for the purpose of public transport. Thousands of wagons and rickshaws are plying for public transport in Lahore city. Most of these vehicles are driven continuously for 10 to 14 hours daily in the city. In public transport, the buses or vans etc. are very crowded. Due to the rush, people sit or stand very close together. Standing or sitting in close proximity increases the risk of spreading germs.The government has introduced new buses for the convenience of the people. These are called metro buses. These metro buses are a bit more comfortable than other modes of transport. The bus routes that are run by the public are often very old. Some of them are 1972 models as well. which are 50 years old and still run in the city. These old vehicles emit large amounts of smoke. Which leads to many problems.

(6) Air pollution problems in Lahore.

In the city of Lahore, the factors that cause pollution are much more than the factors that reduce the pollution. As the number of vehicles, the number of factories and bricks making furnesses are increasing day by day. It refers to the reduction in the number of pollution reducing elements in Lahore city. Such as reduction of number of trees, conversion of agricultural land into residential plots, brutal cutting of forests. Using low quality fuel. Large-scale use of coal. There are countless other factors involved.

(7) Sound pollution in urban areas of Lahore.

The sounds we hear even when we don't want to. Such sounds are called noise or sound pollution. Such sounds have a bad effect on the health of humans and animals. Such sounds affect humans and animals wherever they reach. The elements that generate noise include highways, railways, airports, industries and etc. A large number of vehicles and motorcycles are driven on the roads in Lahore city. The number of these vehicles and motorcycles is in millions. The roads are very narrow at many places which often causes traffic jams. Then people blow horns in large numbers. Lahore city also has a huge railway station. It is one of the busiest railway stations in Pakistan. Railway locomotives have very loud horns that generate a lot of noise. Lahore Airport is also responsible for the noise on a large scale. Noise exposure is very painful for blood pressure and diabetes patients.

(8) Decrease in the number of trees.

With the passage of time, the number of trees in Lahore city also decreased. People do not find it difficult to cut trees to make a room or for any other reason. If someone has to cut some trees for a building or for any other reason, the government also issues NOC easily. If we think about trees seriously, each tree produces oxygen for 10 people. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of trees. Photosynthesis is a process in which carbon dioxide is used and oxygen is produced. That is why trees are essential in densely populated cities. The carbon dioxide that increases from different factories, vehicles and different sources.One of the most effective ways to reduce carbon dioxide and increase oxygen is by planting trees in the city.

(9) Drinking water problems in Lahore city.

Drinking water is a big problem not only in Lahore but in the whole of Pakistan. Drinking water in Lahore is provided by Public Health Engineering, RWSS and private tankers. RWSS and Public Health Engineering are both government institutions. These two organizations provide drinking water throughout Pakistan including Lahore. These government sources are cheap sources of drinking water. Drinking water supplied through water tanks is relatively expensive. The water that is available for drinking in the city is also not of the quality that should be for drinking water. In most places, the drinking water pipes run along the drains in the streets.From the place where the drinking water is damaged, the train water also gets mixed up in the drinking water. Tankers often fetch drinking water from open-mouthed ponds.People suffer from various diseases by drinking dirty water. Diarrhea, hepatitis A, liver diseases, eye diseases and many other problems.

(10) Garbage dumps problems in the city.

Lahore is also one of the major cities of Pakistan. It can also be said that Lahore is the second largest city of Pakistan. According to the information of 2024, the population of Lahore city consists of 14407000 people. Lahore city consists of nine towns.The number of municipal workers in this city is less than 20 thousand. This number is very low for such a big city and such a large population. Based on information, every person in the world uses one plastic bag daily.Plastic back recycling times range from hundreds of years to thousand years. 70% or more of all garbage heaps in Lahore city consist of plastic bags. Oftentimes, plastic bags contain some food content. These plastic bags are often exposed to sunlight due to which the temperature inside them increases. The food inside the plastic is digested by bacteria, which then produces an odor. These odors are a cause of concern to the citizens. These garbage heaps are one of the main reasons for reducing the beauty of the city. Roadside drains are often blocked by garbage. When roadside drains get blocked, sewage starts flowing onto the roads.Which becomes a torment for the citizens. This condition becomes worse during rains.

(11) The problem of sewage drains.

Whenever the drains are blocked in the city, the dirty water starts flowing on the roads. When it rains, this process becomes more intense.Citizens have to face a lot of problems due to dirty water from these drains.

(12) Rising house prices.

Land prices are very high in Lahore. There are many people in Lahore city who work even for 15 thousand rupees per month. While in the same city, one square meter of land is from 44 thousand to 150 thousand.This price difference depends on where the land is located.The better the location, the higher the price. Even a small house requires more than 100 square meters of land. Not only are house prices so high, but their rents are also so high. The rent for a two-room place can range from 10,000 to 80,000 rupees. Bungalows or villas with more rooms and facilities cost much more than this. Housing is also a major issue for those who do not have their own home.

(13) The problem of low income of citizens.

If seen, inflation in Pakistan has been increasing rapidly for the last four years. Most people's income is between 100 and 300 US dollars per month. There are also many people whose income is less than 100 USD per month.It consists of people who work as laborers, work in factories and teach in private schools. However, there are also people living in this city whose income is more than 300 US dollars or much more. These people are often government employees in high positions or people who have their own businesses. Due to low income, most of the necessities of life cannot be met. Many times there are problems in their life like they don't have money for treatment and even to buy medicines.People with less cannot even give their children a good education. Because education requires more content than just teaching in school. Like books, pens, pencils, school bags and many other things that are needed for studying. Apart from this, they have many needs which are left unaddressed due to low income.

(14) Youth unemployment.

Unemployment is a huge problem. This problem is not only in Lahore city but it is a big problem in the whole of Pakistan. It would not be wrong to say that unemployment has become a problem for the whole world. The youth generation is the most affected by unemployment.As young people complete their intended education, they start looking for employment. Majority of the young generation prefer government jobs. If they do not get government jobs, then the young generation starts working in their own business or private institutions. Owning a business requires a lot of money. Small business in Pakistan requires from 500 to 1000 us dollars. This money is also hardly available to a young person to start his own business. Many youths do not even have this money which is why they start working in private institutions.Then it is the will of private institutions no matter how much salary they give to these forced youths.Most of the young people who work in private industries, hotels, etc., earn less than US $100.

(15) Unemployment rate.

Unemployment in Lahore is around seven percent.The unemployment rate among people between the ages of 15 and 29 is about 11 percent. Persons who have matriculated and have less than intermediate educational attainment are largely unemployed. Unemployment rates are very low among those with one year of education or less.23 percent of women who have studied up to master level are unemployed in Punjab. Three percent are men who have studied up to master's level and are unemployed. It is strange that the uneducated people are unemployed in a very small percentage compared to the educated people.

(16) Inflation

Like the rest of the world, there is a lot of inflation in Lahore after 2019.It would not be wrong to say that everything has doubled in price since then. People's problems are increasing day by day due to inflation. As much as the inflation has increased, the income of the people has not increased.This is the reason why people are not able to meet their expenses. People have cut back on the things they use in daily life to reduce their expenses. Due to which many businesses have also suffered. The Government of Pakistan is also trying hard to control inflation.

(17) Industries in Lahore city.

After Karachi, Lahore is considered as the commercial center of Pakistan. Based on the information from various sources, there are around 9,000 industries working in Lahore city. Among these factories there are also multinational factories.These industries range from textile to IT industry. Lahore has made a place in the IT industry not only in Pakistan but in the whole world. Apart from these, there are many other manufacturing industries operating in Lahore. Among them are pharmaceutical manufacturers, leather and many other types of industries are active in Lahore.Industries have provided employment to a large number of citizens of Lahore. All these factories also require a large amount of fuel to run. Many industries run on electricity. Due to long periods of load shedding, most factories use petroleum for power. Most industries such as steel mills or other industries that require large amounts of heat also use coal as a fuel.All of these lead to massive air pollution.The running of machines in factories also creates a lot of noise. This is called the pollution of sound. Most industries such as textile industries emit large quantities of chemicals in liquid form.They can also contain many colors and other toxic materials.Which become major causes of water pollution. Which causes many health problems.

(18) The issue of workers' rights.

Many factories are active in the city of Lahore and there are also many factories in the outskirts of the city. Workers are made to work eight hours a day in a factory, but in most factories their working hours are even longer. All over the world, workers work for eight hours in various industries. One hour break is mandatory in these eight hours.Brakes are often neglected in some factories. The salaries of the workers are also very low. Many factory workers earn less than US$100 a month.

(16) Conversion of agricultural lands into residential areas.

Over the past few years, land prices have seen a steep rise. Due to this, many agricultural lands have been converted into residential schemes by people. Agricultural land not only provides cheap vegetables to the citizens but also plays an important role in cleaning the air of the city.

(19) Educational problems in Lahore city.

Two types of institutions are active for imparting education in Lahore city.Students face difficulties in education after twelfth standard. Students have to take admission for B.S in college or university after twelfth class. A test is required for admission to B.S. which is called Entry Test. Because admissions in colleges and universities are limited. Many children fail the test due to limited access. Children who pass the test and fulfill all the conditions have to face the fee problems. Because often the income of parents of children is low. Most children pay for college and university through part-time jobs. Female students face more difficult problems than males in getting part-time jobs. The government provides scholarships to students at both the provincial and federal levels. But these scholarships are also very limited. A number of conditions also apply to be eligible for these scholarships. As the student should have very high marks in twelfth class. Despite all these problems, students have to wait for a long time to get these scholarships. Some students are also responsible for their household expenses. Some students pay part of the household expenses. There are some students who bear all the household expenses. Due to these reasons, many students leave their studies and start looking for employment.

(20) Literacy rate of Lahore.

Literacy rate of Lahore is 64.7%. In terms of literacy rate, Lahore has taken the second position in the entire Punjab. The main reason for this is that the education budget of Pakistan is very low. Another reason is that the rate of unemployment among illiterate people is very low compared to educated people. Due to such information, parents do not attach much importance to their children's education.So it is inevitable that parents will prioritize skills over education.

(21) Bird problems in Lahore.

With the passage of time, the number of trees in Lahore city and nearby areas is decreasing. Many species of birds build their nests in trees. Trees often provide the environment birds need for breeding. Climate change has also reduced the number of many species of birds. In Lahore city, many people sell moles etc. in small packets. People buy these packets and feed them to birds of prey. This process has not only increased the number of predatory birds but also their behavior has become very aggressive towards humans. These birds of prey also cause the scarcity of other birds. The public is not even aware of how to deal with birds. So far no such campaign has been launched by the Forest Department or any other organization to provide public awareness about the birds.How to deal with birds.

(22) Load shedding problem in Lahore.

Electricity is also a big problem in Lahore city.On a daily basis, there are many hours of power outages due to power shortages. This process has further increased the difficulties in the lives of the citizens. This process is very painful for people especially in the summer season. The government of Pakistan has been trying hard for many years to solve this problem. Many countries in the world are currently facing this problem.

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