Global Problems


Children pproblems

Problems faced by children worldwide and their causes.

(1) Garbage dumps in urban areas.
(2) Effects of wars on children's lives.
(3) Making child labor work.
(4) Kidnapping of children for ransom.
(5) Some parents refuse to vaccinate their children.
(6) Lack of measures to treat children in remote areas of many countries.
(7) Infants in many countries face nutritional problems.
(8) Children in remote areas of most countries face difficulties in getting education.
(9) Some parents prefer sons over daughters.
(10) Recruiting young children into armed groups.
(11) Use of narcotic drugs to sedate infants.
(12) Torturing children in educational institutions or homes.
(13) Begging children.
(14) Abusing children.
(15) Harassment of girls on the way to schools or other educational institutions.
(16) Effects of parental divorce on children's lives.
(17) Parents who are not ready to take responsibility for their children.
(18) Difficulties in the life of migrant children.
(19) Children in prisons.
(20) Children born in prisons because of the crime of their parents.

Garbage dumps in urban areas.

Garbage dumps are found in densely populated areas of many developing or underdeveloped countries. These garbage heaps also contain a lot of rotting food items. Different types of bacteria and fungi grow in these rotten food items. Apart from these, some viruses are found in garbage dumps. There are also some places where sewage drains get trapped in the same garbage camps. This makes the issues even more complicated.Among these micro-organisms are some organisms that are parasitic to humans. Parasitic micro-organisms are organisms that obtain food from their host and in turn cause harm to it. Many children will be seen playing on these garbage heaps. When children play in these garbage camps. So it is inevitable that these children will touch the garbage in one way or another. Due to this touch, micro-organisms get a way to reach their body. Then they reach or touch the same hand to their mouth in some way or eat anything with their hands. Due to these micro-organisms, children suffer from various diseases. Among the diseases spread by these microorganisms, there are some diseases which are epidemic. From which all members of the household or neighborhood. Some people or children get sick due to these wastes. Because many types of insects live on these garbage heaps. So different types of germs are attached to the same insect bites. When these insects fly from these garbage camps to homes, they sit on children or common people. Different types of germs are transferred from garbage to the citizens through this channel. Cities with high temperatures or high humidity. Various types of bacteria thrive in the garbage heaps of these cities. Which causes the spread of diseases among the people of the same city on a large scale. Making the situation even more dangerous.

Effects of wars on children's lives.

Children are also badly affected by wars. Because this is the time for their growth and learning. Whenever a war breaks out in a country or region. As a precautionary measure, educational institutions in the area are first closed. What goals and aspirations they had to achieve in life. The children's struggle for their success is completely stopped because of the wars. Many children become orphans due to wars. Parents who were earning for their children and providing comfortability in their lives. They all disappear from their lives. Many children's parents become unemployed due to wars. Due to unemployment, children also face a lot of problems with their parents. There are also some children who were living a good and peaceful life before the wars. After the wars, the same children have also been forced to beg. During the battle, if any group is even slightly careless. So many children may die in it. History is also a witness to this. Some local hospitals are also closed due to wars. Children who are injured due to wars or children who are already suffering from any disease. In such a situation they have to face a lot of difficulties. Because doctors leave the same area to save their lives and there may be a severe shortage of medicines. This situation is also very dangerous for children. It is true and clear to all that there is nothing but destruction in war.

Making child labor work.

Child labor is used in many backward and developing countries. Some of them are very young children. These children perform various tasks. Children are employed in hotels. In hotels, they are made to sweep and clean the tables as well. Washing dishes and keeping them in different cupboards. Many children work in vehicles repair garages. This work is very hard. Because most of the parts of big vehicles are very heavy. The owners and workers working in these garages treat children very harshly. The wages given to these children is negligible. There are also many children who collect recyclables from garbage every day. They earn a small amount by selling these items. Apart from all these, there are many children who are used for smuggling at the borders. Often these children also die during this trafficking.

Kidnapping of children for ransom.

There are some countries in the world where some people kidnap children for money. This action is called kidnapping for ransom. For some countries there is also a severe punishment for this act. But still people commit this heinous crime. Children whose parents or relatives fulfill their demands. So release these children. Children whose parents or relatives cannot meet their demands. These children are killed or these children are kept alive in their captivity. This gross crime is not limited to developing or underdeveloped countries. Rather, such incidents sometimes occur in developed countries as well. Sometimes abductors have been able to keep children captive for years. Due to the efforts of law enforcement agencies and their personnel at the international level, this serious crime has reduced significantly. But still many valuable lives are lost every year due to this crime.

Some parents refuse to vaccinate their children.

Vaccination is a procedure in which the immunity of humans or animals is pre-stimulated against a disease. All over the world, children are vaccinated against various diseases to boost their immunity. Newborn babies need to be vaccinated . Because their immune systems are not fully prepared to deal with different diseases. Vaccines strengthen children's immunity to fight against various diseases. Many diseases have been eradicated worldwide with the help of vaccines. But in some developing or underdeveloped countries, parents do not want to vaccinate their children. Many parents believe that vaccinating their children will make them sick. Some parents believe that developed countries use vaccines for population control in developing or underdeveloped countries. Many countries of the world have gained control over a dangerous disease like polio. But still polio is present in few countries of the world. Different organizations of the United Nations and the United States are working hard against this disease. Different organizations of the United Nations and the United States are working hard against this disease. Local governments also make great efforts to control polio.

Lack of measures to treat children in remote areas of many countries.

According to some statistics, 6 million children die every year at age under 15 years. This means that 16,000 children give their lives a day. This means that one child dies every in five seconds. If we look at the last two centuries, the mortality rate in children is 50% or was more. But now the death rate among children is very less compared to earlier times. Now the death rate among children is four percent or slightly higher. There are still many countries in the world that do not have special measures for child health in remote areas. First of all, there are no hospitals in remote areas, neither for adults nor for children in many countries. If there are any hospitals in these areas then there are no words for children in these hospitals. Then if a hospital has a children's ward, it is very difficult to find a senior doctor for 24 hours. A pediatrician should be very experienced. Because children cannot talk about their pain like adults.

Infants in many countries face nutritional problems.

In many countries of the world, children are facing malnutrition. Due to which the development of children is affected in a bad way. Children also suffer from many diseases due to malnutrition. Because their immunity is not very strong. Like children who get plenty of healthy food. Children suffer from these diseases due to lack of food. Kwashiorkor, Rickets, Beriberi, Marasmus, Infection, Anaemia and many more. Beriberi is a disease caused by vitamin B1 and thiamine deficiency in humans. Due to this, human cannot move around easily. A lot of difficulty in working the muscle. This All other diseases also have different types of pain and symptoms. also causes many other problems. Children in some African and some Asian countries face malnutrition.

Children in remote areas of most countries face difficulties in getting education.

Most of the children in many remote areas face great difficulties in education. There are some areas where there is no primary school and these places have a population of 500 to 600 people. Children whose family income is low are the most affected. Children whose parents have some means send their children to cities and arrange their education there. But the children of families whose incomes are low remain illiterate. There are also some areas where children walk for kilometers to go to school. This task is difficult for children between the ages of six and 12 years. Because these children are at risk of going astray. Actually, many such incidents have happened with children. There are many remote areas in which many schools are functional. But they have less facilities compared to cities. Like means of transport to school. There are often schools that lack teachers. Then if in some schools the teacher is full and the teachers are also hardworking. There are also many schools which have shortage of rooms, lack of scientific laboratories and also lack of scientific devices.

Some parents prefer sons over daughters.

Many people prefer sons to daughters. These people believe that the real heir of the family is the son and the daughter is the only one left behind. Then these people fully support their sons in every field of life. The efforts of such people are to get maximum share in the property to the son. For this reason, girls are left behind in such families. If girls are given equal attention to boys and their education is also given full attention and support. So girls can also support their family. There are some people who educate their daughters. They think that they is doing his daughters a great favor. This is not a favor but their basic right.

Recruiting young children into armed groups.

Children under the age of 18 are recruited into the armed forces of some countries and many armed groups.These problems mostly occur in these countries or regions. The areas where the battles are going on. From 2005 to 2022, 105000 people were found to have been recruited into the army of different countries. 105,000 children under the age of 18 from 2005 to 2022. He has participated in various armed conflicts. This number can be many times higher. Because often the exact number of such people is hidden. These 105,000 are the only people about whom correct information was obtained. There have been some reports of underage people being sexually assaulted in armed groups. At the international level, there is also a ban on the recruitment of persons under the age of 18 into armed groups.

Use of narcotic drugs to sedate infants.

In some underdeveloped countries, parents give their children drugs to keep them quiet. In the meantime, this is a very effective method for parents. But with the passage of time children become addicted to these medicines. Apart from this, such drugs greatly affect the development and mental balance of children.

Torturing children in educational institutions or homes.

Some children still face abuse at school or at home. In many countries of the world, a strict ban has been imposed on beating children in educational institutions and homes. But this practice still takes place in educational institutions in many countries. Many students drop out due to beatings or teachers' harsh behavior. Among the children who drop out of school, some choose to learn skills.The remaining large number of children are left with neither education nor skills. Children who have neither received education nor acquired any skills. These children often fail to achieve the same goals in life as other children. According to UNESCO data, 250 million children are still out of school. Most of these children belong to developing or underdeveloped countries. The global literacy rate is 86.3 percent. The population of the whole world is around eight billion. This means that there are still 1.096 billion illiterate people all over the world. This figure may be higher. If viewed in terms of percentages, it will show a small amount of 14.7. But the reality is that still more than one billion people in the world are illiterate.

Begging children.

Except for a few countries, you will find beggars all over the world. Some people beg out of compulsion. But this is often the profession of beggars. In some countries the number of beggars is very few but in some countries their number is in millions. There are also some beggars who apply for visas to other countries and go there to beg. Among the beggars who are used in large numbers are children and the elderly. Most of these children are between five and thirteen years old. Some beggars beg through infants by picking them up or laying them down in front of them. Beggars pretend these infants are sick or hungry. People sympathize with beggars because of these children and give them money. Babies who are used to begging have a really painful life. Because they are laid on hot ground in summer and cold ground in winter. These children are dressed in old clothes so that people will sympathize with them. The money is taken by the person who begs on behalf of these children. In some countries, beggars don't even wear shoes. These children who are begged will remain Sam for all life.

Abusing children.

Many people are mutilated who abuse obscenities. Then such people are careless wherever they are and abuse people. Such people often cause problems for people. Just as these people abuse common people, they also abuse children carelessly. Because it is their habit to abuse. Because it is their habit to abuse. When some people get angry, they start abusing. Then these people cannot control their mouths. All the insults that are in their mind are thrown out of their mouths during anger. When these people abuse in anger, they do not see whether there is an old person, a young person or a child in front of them. Apart from them, there are some people who deliberately start abusing children when they see them. Abusing children or swearing in front of children is very wrong. Children feel shame when they are abused. It is also a crime. It is also a morally bad thing to do.

Harassment of girls on the way to schools or other educational institutions.

When girls leave their homes it is for education or work. So often men harass these girls on the way. Which creates many problems for these girls. Women are already facing difficulties and problems in many countries. Due to which there is a disturbance in their life. Because of this, they are not able to perform their daily tasks properly. This is why women are left behind in many areas of life. Those who harass them do not even consider themselves guilty. For these men it is just a joke. There are also some societies that consider girls' work and There are also some societies that consider girls' work and education as a defect. Even in these societies few girls dare to start studying and doing work. If anyone harasses any of these girls on their way to work or study. This is the response girls get from their community or elders that they should stop their work or study. This clearly implies that harassing girls or women on the way to work or study can destroy their purpose in life.

Effects of parental divorce on children's lives.

Mother and father have different roles and responsibilities in raising children. After divorce, parents' attention to responsibilities towards children decreases or ceases altogether. If the child goes to the father, the father is also not able to fulfill all the responsibilities properly. If the child goes to the mother, the mother may not be able to fulfill all the responsibilities properly. No one can replace anyone in this world. In 2022, the ratio of divorcees to 1.6 percent. While in 2023, this ratio has increased from 1.6 to 1.8 percent. This information is collected globally. There is also a country in the world in which the rate of divorce is up to 5.5 percent. Divorce rates are higher in developed countries than in underdeveloped or developing countries.

Parents who are not ready to take responsibility for their children.

There are many children in the world whose parents do not want to raise them. Children whose parents are unable to take responsibility for them. These children end up in government orphanages or places where people keep such children. There are some God-fearing people who adopt such children. Some of them then adopt these children as their own. Some countries have special provisions for them at the national level. But there are many countries that do not have any special provisions for such children. Children whose parents are not ready to take responsibility for them. Such children are very affected in countries where there is no special provision for them. In developing or underdeveloped countries, such children start begging or collecting paper and other scraps from garbage. By the time some of these children reach the age of 14-15 years, they are suffering from various addictions. Many measures are needed to improve the lives of such children.

Difficulties in the life of migrant children.

By 2021, the number of migrant children was up to 38 million. If we talk based on old information. So with the passage of time, the number of migrant children has increased. In 2024, the number of migrant children is estimated to exceed 40 million. Migration is done for two purposes. One is that people migrate from one place to another who want to bring prosperity in their life. Others migrate from one place to another to save their lives. Many children are affected in both these cases. Some children become stateless due to migration. Migration is done in two ways. One is legal migration and the other is illegal migration. The routes in illegal migration are very difficult and dangerous.In 2023, 8600 people have lost their lives while migrating. There were many children among those who died. Countries where people go to seek asylum illegally. These countries have their own special laws for refugees. Children also have to go through this difficult process with their parents. Like learning the language of the host countries. Learning to live with children from host countries. Enroll in host country schools and study according to their laws. In addition to all this if the host country refuses to shelter these children. So many more difficulties arise for them.

Children in prisons.

According to various statistics, more than 0.26 million children are in various prisons. They are accused of various crimes. Many children are used by people to commit various crimes. There are very few children who commit crime by choice or by mistake. Most crimes committed by children. These crimes are done by other people to these children. As people smuggle drugs through children. If children pass the drug successfully. So in return these children get some money. If these children are caught because of these drugs. The drug lords distance themselves from these cases. Then they would leave these children alone.Some children do not even know the real names of the real owners of these drugs. Then whatever action is taken by the law enforcement agencies is done on these children. Children are also used in many thefts. Apart from these, often very dangerous crimes are committed by these children.

Children born in prisons because of the crime of their parents.

There are also many children who are born in prisons. These are the children of women who are in jail for one reason or another. Children are treated the same way as prisoners are treated in many countries. There are also many prisons that lack even basic necessities for these children. There is a special need for global legislation for the rights of these children. Or that the existing laws must be enforced.

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