Global Problems



Causes of plant extinction and its impact on human life.

Extinction of plants

Extinction in plants refers to the complete elimination of any one of the species of plants. Those plants should become completely extinct. Which means that these plants are no longer found anywhere.

Endangered plants

In-endangered plants are plants that are close to extinction. The number of such plants is very few.

Causes of plant extinction.

There are many reasons why plants become extinct. Climate change is also a major cause of plant extinction. There are three types of plants. Which are known as herb, shrub and trees. There are also some plants that cannot tolerate much change in weather. Some plants grow in certain places in certain seasons. A mild climate change causes extensive damage to such plants.
Drought is also a major cause of plant extinction. Often some areas experience drought for several years. Which causes massive losses in plants. Due to drought, many forests are dried up in many areas.There is a large risk of fire in these forests. This is also a major reason for the extinction of many plants.
Plants are also being affected on a large scale by human activities. Like rampant deforestation. These forest lands are later used for residential colonies or industries. Which causes further deterioration in the weather. Heat is generated due to the running of machines in factories and factories. Some factories emit toxic gases that damage the ozone. Some industrial wastes are discharged into water. which are largely harmful to aquatic life. Which means that humans damage plants in three ways. Forest clearing to obtain timber and use the lands for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. Then it pollutes the air and water through the same industries. Which affects the plants in a big way.

Losses to humans due to extinction of plants.

All living things depend on plants to survive. Because plants make oxygen which is widely used by humans and other animals. The amount of oxygen used by living organisms on a daily basis. Plants produce the same amount of oxygen on a daily basis. Due to this, the same oxygen ratio is maintained in the air. Plants are terrestrial, aquatic and marine. All three play an important role in making oxygen. Also, different plants have different benefits. There are many plants from which different medicines are made. Many plants are used by humans for food. Almost all plants are eaten by herbivores. This means that a large part of the animal's diet is plants. There are also some organisms that get their nutrients from certain plants. Carnivores eat herbivores. This means carnivores also depend indirectly on plants. In general terms, this means that if plants die out, other organisms cannot survive.
Over the past two centuries, plants have become extinct at a very rapid rate. According to scientists, two species of plants are becoming extinct every year. Plants that are close to extinction are called endangered plants. Which means such plants are rare. Such plants cannot be easily researched due to their scarcity. There are many plants that have many benefits for humans. Their benefits have not even been discovered yet. Due to the extinction of such plants. Before the discovery of their benefits for humans, humans lose all these benefits.

Some endangered plant names are listed

Abutilon eremitopetalum
Colchicum luteum
Echinacea paradoxa
Georgia aster
Georgia Trillium
Ghost orchid
Psilotum nudum
The dragon tree
Capa rose
Abies guatemalensis
Abronia macrocarpa
Abutilon menziesii

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