Global Problems


Child Labor

Problems of child labor and their extreme low income.

Sami Ullah

Samiullah used to work in a garage two years ago. He used to work 11 hours a day in the garage. In these 11 hours, there was only a 40-minute break at lunch time. The work in the garage was laborious and tedious. Samiullah was 13 years old when he worked in the garage. In return for this work, Samiullah used to get 0.18 US dollars per day.
Apart from this, Samiullah also worked in a retail store at the age of 15. In which he used to work in this shop for seven hours on a daily basis. This work was also very hard work. In return for this work, Samiullah used to get 0.90 US dollars a day.


Abubakar belongs to a remote area of Balochistan, Bahag Nari. Abubakar is 16 years old. When Abu Bakr was nine years old, he used to cut wood in Bahag Nari. From which he used to earn 20 to 40 US cents on a daily basis. In the same way, Abu Bakr collected six US dollars. He started the business of chickens with these funds. Abu Bakr earned 11 US dollars from this business. When Abu Bakr's family moved from Bahag Nari to Quetta in 2017. In Quetta, Abu Bakr worked to raise the brakes from the ground to the top of the buildings. Which is very hard work. In return for this work, Abu Bakr was paid about one dollar per day. Apart from this, Abu Bakr also sold fruits for a period in Quetta market. Abu Bakr still works in the vegetable market of Quetta and carries people's heavy goods with them. From which he earns one to 1 to 1.5 US dollars on a daily basis.

Altaf Hussain

Altaf Hussain is now 16 years old. He is a resident of Dera Bugti area of Balochistan. When Altaf was 12 years old, he worked in a retail store. Altaf Hussain used to get 4500 Pakistani rupees per month. This amounts to about 16 or 17 US dollars. When Altaf Hussain was 14 years old, he started working with owner of medical store. Who used to work in this medical store all day, this work was also a very hard work. In return for this work, Altaf Hussain received six thousand Pakistani rupees per month. Which is about 22 US dollars.

Sodeer Ahmed

Sodeer Ahmed is now 12 years old. When Sodeer Ahmed was 11 years old, he worked in a shop selling potato chips. He used to work seven hours a day in this shop. In which Sodeer's job was to clean the tables and serve chips to the people on the plates. Apart from this, Sodeer's job was also to wash the dishes. In return for this work, Sodeer Ahmed received 1500 Pakistani rupees per month. This means that Sodeer was paid US$6 per month. Now Sodeer Ahmed works in a retail store in Quetta. He works hard in this shop for eight hours a day. In return for this work, Sodeer Ahmed receives three thousand Pakistani rupees per month. This amount is equal to about 11 US dollars.

Zohaib Ahmed

Zohaib Ahmed is 14 years old. Zohaib Ahmed says that when he was 13 years old, he used to work as a laborer. In return for this work, Zohaib received 500 Pakistani rupees per day. This means that Zohaib used to get 1.8 US dollars per day. For which he used to do 10 hours of hard work every day. At the age of 13, Zohaib Ahmed has also worked in a garage. Zohaib Ahmed was paid Rs 100 per day for this work. Which is equal to 36 US cents. Zohaib Ahmed worked as a truck driver's helper at the age of 14. In which he is with the truck 24 hours a day. According to Zohaib Ahmed, these jobs are also very tiring and laborious. In return for this work, Zohaib gets 200 Pakistani rupees per day. This amount also comes to about 72 US cents.

Basheer Ahmed

Bashir Ahmed is 12 years old. Bashir Amad is a thin and small boy. Bashir says he works with a vegetable vendor. He works very hard for eight hours every day. Bashir Ahmed gets 300 rupees per day for this work. Which is equal to 1.10 US dollars.


Ikramullah is 13 years old. When Ikramullah was 12 years old, he used to work in a hotel in Karachi. Akramullah's job was to wash dishes in a room in this hotel. He used to wash dishes for 12 hours a day. In return for this work, Ikramullah received 16 thousand rupees per month. This amount is equivalent to about 58 US dollars. After leaving the hotel, Ikramullah started farming in Quetta. He was engaged in this work for a month. During this one month, Ikramullah earned 4 thousand rupees in this work. This amount will be around 14 or 15 US dollars. Then after that, Ikramullah worked in the vegetable market of Quetta for a month. Here he worked in a vegetable shop. From which he used to earn 7 thousand rupees per month. Which is equivalent to 25 or 26 US dollars. After that Ikramullah started working in an apple orchard. Now he packs the apples into sacks. This work also has to be done around 12 hours daily. The owner of this garden gives Ikramullah 22 thousand rupees per month. Ikramullah is very happy with this work. He says that there is a lot of hard work in this work. Because he is now getting 80 USD per month.

Wali Muhammed

Wali Muhammad is about 13 years old. Wali Muhammad's father is a farmer. Since he was nine years old, Wali Muhammad has been working as a farmer with his father. Wali Muhammad lives in Dera Murad Jamali, a remote area of Balochistan. It is one of the hot areas of Balochistan. When summer begins, Wali Muhammad moves to Quetta with his parents. In the vegetable market of Quetta, Wali Muhammad works with people carrying heavy goods. It is very difficult and laborious work. Wali Muhammad earns three or four US dollars a day in this work.

Shaukat Ali

Shaukat Ali's age is around 13 years. Shaukat Ali has been working as a farmer since he was eight years old. He used to do the work of farmers in Mastung, a city 50 km from Quetta. But they could not live there due to low income. Then he moved to Quetta with his parents. Now Shaukat Ali works in a vegetable market in Quetta. He works seven to eight hours a day in the market. Shaukat Ali earns two to two and a half dollars a day for this work.

Naseeb Ullah

Naseebullah is 15 years old. Naseebullah has been working in the vegetable market of Quetta since the age of 11.In the beginning, Nasibullah's income was Rs.100.But now Naseebullah is earning around 800 rupees per day. Which is about three US dollars. According to Naseebullah, he says that he is an expert in this work, that's why his income increased.

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