Global Problems


Women rights violations

Violations of women's rights and its effects on the women's lives.

The educational rights of womens are ruthlessly supressed.Harassment of women in various ways.Domestic violance against women. Forced marriage of women.Not leaving women for employment and work.Not leaving women for employment and work.leaving all the responsibilities of the children on the mother alone.Unequel pay of men and women.In Childbirth problems faacing women.Forcing women out of their professions.Not giving women the right to vote. Giving women in exchange for loss.

(1) The educational rights of womens are ruthlessly supressed.

In many countries the male and female educational institutions are separate. The number of female educational institutions is less than male educational institutions. In many countries in far villages there are no college secondary schools for females. This is the reason very few females of far villages complete the studies to achieve their goals. In some places some families are not allowing females to go out of home to get education. Some families allow females to get education till primary level after then they ban females from education. In the co education system some male students and teachers sometimes make problems for female students. It is restricted to some countries. Not all over the world. In large cities of some countries there are not enough facilities of hostels for females. There are very few numbers of hostels. Some of these hostels belong to the government. The management of these hostels is handled by the government itself. Very few female hostels in comparison with male hostels. There have been complaints from women’s hostels in different countries of the world. Females do not have as many facilities as boys for earning their fee of colleges and universities.

(2) Harassment of women in various ways.

The act done with anyone through force or against his or her wish. Further it depends on circumstances. There are many types of harassment. These all kinds are depending on the situations. Violating the fundamental rights of someone. Women face harassment on a large scale. Harassment also includes touching any part of a woman's body against her wishes. In a public transport office or any other place. As officers holding high positions in offices make women sit with them for a long time under various pretexts against their wishes. In many places, male students harass female students in the school classroom in many ways. This also falls under the category of harassment. It's not that simple, there are a lot of terms and conditions that apply. Some countries have very effective laws for control of harassment.

(3) Domestic violance against women.

Except in some countries all over the world women face domestic violence. In most homes, violence against women is done by in-laws.Many men think that after marriage, the wife should do what they say or think. If they do not do this. Then men take the path of violence. Some men cannot earn enough to run their own household. He does not leave the women of the house for employment either.

(4)Forced marriage of women.

There are some countries in the world where women's opinion about marriage is not given much importance. The marriage of women is decided by their male guardian and it is not considered mandatory to ask the women. It is not even asked whether the woman who is marriage has her will or not. Their guardians say that women cannot decide their own good and bad. Most of the time in marriages, the guardians fulfill his demands. Some children also have marriages that are arranged during childhood. When these girls grow up. It is inevitable that they will marry the same person to whom they were betrothed in childhood.

(5) Not leaving women for employment and work.

Almost all over the world people are already facing unemployment. In most countries, jobs are advertised separately for men and women. Generally, the number of these posts is less or very less for women then men. In most countries, many families do not leave their women for education and employment. Basically every human being has many desires. They need to work hard to fulfill these desires. If they do not have access to basic facilities like getting a job, getting an education. Then how will they fulfill their aspirations. It may also be that householder who do not leave their women to work. the women of these houses may also have some aspirations for their achievements. But with the passage of time, they give up their desires and surrender to the strict rules of the society.

(6) Economic problems of women.

If a woman is deprived of basic facilities like education and employment. So, in such a situation, the chances of their economic conditions improving are very less. Many women in underdeveloped or developing countries face economic difficulties. Economic difficulties further increase the dependence of women on men. In many countries, there are very few or no initiatives for the welfare of women. In some countries instead of providing facilities to women. They have imposed various restrictions on them. But in some countries, women paid a small amount of money to solve their economic problems. This money temporarily solves some of their problems. This small amount is not a permanent solution to their economic problems.

(7) leaving all the responsibilities of the children on the mother alone.

As soon as the child is born, all the responsibilities fall on the mother. It is also true that a newborn baby needs the mother most. But most fathers think that they have no part in taking care of their child. He frees himself from all his responsibility by this one word. That he is the breadwinner for his children. Other family members for not helping the mother in taking care of the child. Because of this, women lose a lot of their progress.

(8) Unequel pay of men and women.

In most countries, women's salaries are significantly lower than men's. It cannot be ignored that women also have many needs. If we look at the needs of women compared to men, their needs will be more, not less. Low salary is also a reason that makes women more dependent on men. Women have to take safer ways than men to protect themselves. It is clear that the more convenient and safer the means of transport, the more expensive it is. There are many other factors that make women's expenses much higher than men's. If it is seen that the salaries of ordinary women are not only low. women who hold spacial position are often paid less then men. This can be easily estimated from the earnings of male and female actors. Whose work is the same.

(9) In Childbirth women facing problems.

In terms of population, the human population consists of two types. One is urban population and the other is rural population. Urban areas have more amenities than rural areas.In most countries, rural areas have non-existent health facilities. Due to which women have to face a lot of difficulties during childbirth. Apart from all these, some countries have other problems. If the mother gives birth to a girl, the husband or the in-laws start objecting to her as to why it is not a boy.

(9) Reap of women

Rape is a dangerous accident that happens to women occasionally. The data on this crime is many times higher than what is known to law enforcement. Most of its perpetrators are so powerful that even prosecuting them is not an easy task in most countries. Women often hide such dangerous accidents because of their stigma.

(10) Forcing women out of their professions.

In some countries, people are against most professions for women. Some people are opposed to women making any kind of money outside the home. Many people spreads propaganda against these women. Some organizations have armed men who forcibly stop women from their professions. There are some of them who do not even leave the girls for education.

(11) Considering the son more important than the daughter

People from backward areas often think that the real heir is their son and not their daughter. When a boy is born, great joy is created and when a girl is born, everyone is depressed. Surprisingly, all the blame is placed on the mother. In many places, the right that women inherit is not given easily or not at all

(12) Not giving women the right to vote.

There are some backward places where women are not given the right to vote. Women do not have the right to speak in any decision and cannot sit All decisions are unilaterally in the hands of men. Women have to accept everything men say.

(12) Giving women in exchange for loss.

In most places where there is tribal rule.In such places, there are often fights among tribals over various issues. There are various types of losses in these tribal fights and conflicts. often these disputes last for many years. So the tribal elders sit together to resolve these disputes. Whichever tribe has suffered more in the conflict or is innocent.So they are paid ransom. Sometimes women are also given in compensation for damage.

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