Global Problems


Food Crisis

Causes of food crisis

Not giving priority to agriculture. Damage to crops due to climate change.Loss of crops due to lack of water. Effects of drought on crops. Lack of use of good machainery in agriculture. Conversion of agricultural lands into residential areas. Some governments do not invest well in agriculture sector. In most countries weather conditions are not provided in a timely manner. Not having easy access to good seeds. Destructive effects of natural disasters on crops. Destructive effects of natural disasters on crops. Lack of training and crop knowledge among farmers. Non-availability of fertilizers on time. Destruction of agriculture due to wars. Not adopting modern methods of livestock management. Lack of veterinarians harms agriculture. Do not give Spacial attention to the livestock department.

(1) Not giving priority to agriculture.

Almost all countries of the world have a special ministry for agriculture. Generally, the food of all the people of every country depends on the agriculture sector. Human food is obtained from crops or livestock. Apart from these, the food we get from other sources is less than one percent. Most countries' leaders say they are paying too much attention to agriculture. But the reality is quite the opposite. Most countries' interests in industries are many times greater than in agriculture. It cannot be denied that industries have made our life very comfortable. But people all over the world depend on agriculture for food. Apart from some countries, agriculture is not being given much attention in the whole world. Although some of these countries call themselves agricultural countries. Still not giving practical attention to agriculture.

(2) Damage to crops due to climate change.

Due to climate change, many crops have been adversely affected. Very little rain. Depletion of water in rivers and canals that cannot provide enough water for crops. Either there is a lot of rain that causes flooding. which wash away all the crops. Sudden cold ego in summer season. Like snowfall in late March or May. Which is exactly the opposite of what is expected. Crops are adversely affected by this process. Often the weather turns out to be hotter than expected.In such cases, most of the crops cannot tolerate high heat. There are also some crops which are cut off from water at the time of preparation. Like wheat and many others besidesAt the same time, if it rains on these crops, then they get damaged on a large scale. Some crops are stored there after harvesting. So that further processing can be done on it. They are also heavily damaged by rain. Large-scale changes in climate affect livestock as much as crops. Due to major changes in weather, dairy animals reduce their milk production. There is a marked decrease in the number of eggs produced by egg-laying animals. Animals such as broilers cannot sustain their lives due to large-scale changes in climate. If uniform temperature is not maintained for them, such animals die in large numbers.

(3) Loss of crops due to lack of water.

Water is a basic requirement of agriculture. Agriculture has basically two parts one is farming and the other is handling of live stock. Plenty of water is essential for both of them to manage. Different methods are adopted to irrigate the crops. One is the common practice of storing rainwater in dams. The water from these dams is conveyed to the canals through the rivers. According to the requirement, water is given to the crops from these canals. A similar procedure is used for livestock. When the water for the crops is not enough in the same way. Then farmers or ranchers adopt other methods. As wells and tube wells there are many other methods besides these. Water sourced from wells or tubewells are expensive sources of water. It also requires a large amount of energy. In some places the depth of the tubewells are about 1700 feet. It takes a lot of energy to bring water from 1700 feet down to the surface. When the dams are empty, the rivers also dry up. Due to which some landowners who are rich use these other means. This water obtained from other sources is also a limited and expensive source. This is the reason that the crops do not get enough water which affects the crops a lot. At the same time, livestock rearers are also facing difficulties. Lack of water is the main cause of malnutrition.

(4) Effects of drought on crops.

When rainfall is less than normal for a long period of time, it is called drought. Drought has devastating effects on agriculture. which causes widespread malnutrition. There are many types of droughts. Droughts that affect crops are called agricultural droughts. Due to drought, the water in the dams decreases or sometimes the dams are completely empty. So in such situations the water in the rivers is very low or completely empty. Then lanlords and farmers are forced to get water fron other sources. Which are costly financially. Crop yields are very expensive for the landowners. So these grains will also be sold at high prices in the markets. There are two reasons behind the sale of crops at high prices. One is that landlords and farmers have spent more than normal on the crop. Second, there is less supply in the markets, which leads to higher demand. Cattle breeders also face similar difficulties in drought. Meat production also decreases in drought.

(5) Lack of use of good machainery in agriculture.

The use of various machines in agriculture has made many human tasks easier. But in underdeveloped or developing countries, farmers or landowners do not have access to these machines. In these countries, farmers and landlords have large land holdings. Because they don't have these modern resources.The production of crops in these countries is clearly less than the production of crops in developed countries. Most of the countries do not pay much attention to the agriculture sector.Due to which the farmers do not have good and advanced machinery. The presence of good machinery enables the farmer to grow crops on more land. Which can increase the yields of crops many times. An increase in crop yields will bring prosperity to the lives of farmers as well as reduce inflation

(6) Conversion of agricultural lands into residential areas.

With the increase in population, the demand for land has also increased. It is a principle of economics that if the demand for a commodity increases, its price will also increase. With the passage of time, the human population is increasing in the world. If the population increases, the demand for land will also increase. Now in those countries where the population is increasing rapidly. The cost of land in these countries will also increase rapidly. Landlords and farmers sell their agricultural lands due to high prices. Builders who buy these lands convert these agricultural lands into residential areas. The more the population, the more food is needed. Reduction in agricultural land also reduces food production.

(7) Some governments do not invest well in agriculture sector.

Apart from a few countries, almost no special priority is given to agriculture in the rest of the world. Agriculture sector is one of the most important sectors of the country. 99% of the population of every country depends on agriculture sector for food. There are very few countries that earn through industries. These processes are useful for countries that have very little land for agriculture. The more work is done in the agricultural sector. The lower the food prices of the country and the more abundant it will be. Apart from this, the demand for food ingredients is also high internationally. Which can bring a lot of foreign exchange in the country. One of the basic needs of modern agriculture is agricultural universities. Most of the developing or underdeveloped countries have fewer than 10 agricultural universities. Apart from this, the world is also facing a shortage of agricultural experts. Who can train farmers and landowners about crops and land. In most countries, the methods used in agriculture are very old. Because of this, many farmers and landlords have very low crop yields. Farmers in most countries of the world do not have access to modern machines used in agriculture. Not using high quality seeds is also a major reason. In many countries, the income of farmers is very low due to lack of attention to agriculture. Due to which the farmers lead a life of poverty. Access of landlords and farmers to the international market is also a major issue. Farmers not getting loans easily through agricultural banks. Ignorance of the modern methods that have been introduced for animal husbandry. Non-availability of good breed cattle.

(8) In most countries weather conditions are not provided in a timely manner.

However, farmers are informed about weather through many websites and various television programs. But despite this, there is a lack of information about weather conditions among the farmers. This problem also damages many crops.

(9) Not having easy access to good seeds.

Good quality seeds are required to obtain good crop yields These seeds cost more than normal seeds. In many countries the financial condition of farmers and landlords is not good. They do not prefer good quality seeds because of their cost. Because it is not an easy task for them to pay the price of these seeds. Buying these seeds requires a huge amount of money which the farmers do not have. Good quality seeds are not available in many remote areas. Most of the farmers are not aware of the fact that using high quality seeds can lead to good harvests. In most countries farmers are sold other low quality seeds in the name of good quality seeds. These cases often occur in those countries. Countries that do not have good laws for trading or those who enforce these laws do not work properly. Such problems not only affect the farmers. Along with this, the yield of the crops is also badly affected.In some countries, special discounts are given to farmers by the Department of Agriculture on the price of good quality seeds. Most of the time common farmers do not have access to these seeds. Rather, these seeds are given to the influential landowners. It is sold to merchants through a referral, who then resells these seeds at a much higher prices. All these factors adversely affect crop yield.

(10) Destructive effects of natural disasters on crops.

Natural calamities often adversely affect or completely destroy crops. Like heavy rains, hailstorms, snowfalls. As heavy rains also affect the crop badly. A sudden drop in temperature such as snowfall in the summer or a sudden cold snap. Heavy rains often lead to floods that adversely affect or completely destroy crops.

(11) Lack of training and crop knowledge among farmers.

Every job has a specific procedure. Special methods are also used for growing crops. Learning these methods requires special training. Training of farmers requires experts in the field of agriculture. Who can train farmers according to different crops.Each crop requires a different training. Whether it is a farmer or a landowner, whoever works in the fields in the crops must be able to read and write. A well-educated farmer can learn well from uneducated farmers during training. Every year there are many new innovations in agriculture. These findings are published in journals, websites, and various science journals. It is also broadcasted on various television channels.If the farmer is literate, he can get information about crops in many ways apart from training.Livestock rearing also requires education and training. Books on different cropping systems and different types of livestock are available in the market.

(12) Non-availability of fertilizers on time.

Good fertilizers are needed to get good yields from crops. There is a fixed time for fertilizing crops. If this fertilizer is not provided on time, it can have a very bad effect on the crops. Due to inflation, the price of pumpkin has increased a lot. In some countries, the prices of fertilizers have risen so much that it has become beyond the reach of farmers. If the required quantity of fertilizers is not provided to the lands. There would be a clear decrease in the yield of the crops. There are also countries that depend on other countries for fertilizers. When fertilizer exporting countries face shortage of fertilizers. So fertilizer exporting countries stop the export of fertilizer. Then countries that import fertilizers have to face severe crises. Because their crop yields are negligible without fertilizers.

(13) Destruction of agriculture due to wars.

It is clear to all that war is a disaster. Wars significantly badly affect all areas of life. Often times wars also damage agriculture on a large scale. Because agriculture requires large lands. Each crop has a specific season. Crops cannot be grown except on large plots of land and in special seasons. When war breaks out in the area during any crop growing season. In such situations, neither the landlord wants to invest nor he can find farmers. When rival groups clash in these agricultural areas. They will not care at all that their fighting will damage the crops. So often in such cases the ready crops are completely destroyed. No trader wants to go to such areas where his life is at risk. Due to the current battles, the whole world must have felt that the prices of nutrients have increased.

(14) Failure to apply good pesticides on time.

Pests are also one of the major causes of crop damage. Each crop has a specific type of pesticide to protect it from pests. Another method is to use other insects or other animals to kill the same pests. There are many other ways in which crops can be easily protected from pests. But using these methods requires special training. There are also many types of pesticides that are specific to each crop and are used in a specific amount. Along with this, it is important to take care of the time to use the pesticide for the crops. In many countries, good quality pesticides are not available, and if available, the prices are very high. Even if the farmer gets these pesticides, another problem arises that how to use them. Farmers also need special training to use these pesticides.

(15) Not adopting modern methods of livestock management.

Every year new methods of raising cattle are discovered. Different labs are needed to explore these mechanisms. In underdeveloped or developing countries, the number of these laboratories is negligible. Some countries have only one or two veterinary universities. Some doctors who graduate from the same university on an annual basis. Only so many of these countries think that they have done a great favor to the husbandry of cattle. In many countries, livestock rearing is limited to rural areas. The same old methods are still used to raise cattle. Which is not very beneficial. Cows that give more milk or chickens that lay more eggs are far away. There are some countries where there are no ventanary at all for cattle breeders. They have to travel a lot to get medicine for their animals. Good breeding animals are needed to achieve higher yields. Which is prepared on the basis of modern research of science.

(16) Lack of veterinarians harms agriculture.

Every village where cattle are raised. There should be a vet clinic nearby. If necessary, treatment should be provided to the animals at the same time. Medicines that are necessary for the cattle according to the region should also be available in abundance. Providing information to livestock keepers on monthly basis to keep animals healthy. If the animal is healthy like cows and goats, they can yield more meat. In the same way, more eggs and meat can be obtained from chickens and other birds. But the situation is exactly the opposite except for a few countries. There are many villages where animals are reared but there is no veterinary clinic. Even if any veterinary clinics are established by the government in these areas, they will not have the availability of doctors and medicine. If seen, this situation is a common thing in developing or underdeveloped countries. However, some people run the veterinary medicine business for their personal interests. These people are neither veterinarians nor have they received any special training. Cattle breeders also treat their animals from such people. Because there are no veterinarians and clinics for animals in these areas.

(17) Do not give Spacial attention to the livestock department.

Livestock sector is neglected in many countries. Due to non-investment in livestock, the number of livestock decreases.Cattle rearers are also not given special training. Underdeveloped or developing countries also lack ventanaries. Cattle breeders use the same old methods which cannot meet the demands of modern times. Countries ,,which are not performing well in livestock. Meat prices are also high in these countries. For this reason, many people have given up eating meat in these countries. Often times in these countries, it is difficult to eat meat 10 days a week or once a month.

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