Global Problems



Global unemployment and its effects.(2024)

(1) Number of unemployed people globally.
(2) Unemployment is a major reason for begging.
(3) Due to unemployment, people become involved in various crimes.
(4) Many people become psychotic due to unemployment
(5) An increase in unemployment in any country leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of the people in that country.
(6) Addiction due to unemployment.
(7) Due to unemployment, people migrate on a large scale.

(1) Number of unemployed people globally.

The population of the world consists of 8.1 billion people. These more than eight billion people live in six continents. The total population of Africa in 2024 is about 1495.715 million people. The continent of Africa consists of about 54 countries.Most of the countries in this continent are developing and some countries are underdeveloped. The unemployment rate in the continent of Africa is seven percent. This means that 104.7 million people are unemployed on the African continent. The population of North America consists of 381.118 million people. This is the developed continent of the world. This continent has the best universities in the world. There are also many industries in this continent. In these industries, airplanes, ships and many modern weapons are also manufactured. North America also produced 55% of the world's microchips. Human rights are highly regarded in this continent. The unemployment rate in this continent is around 4.1%. Despite all this, 15.63 million people are unemployed in this continent. More than half of the world's population lives in Asia. The population of Asia is more than 4.785 billion. Asia is also the largest continent in terms of area. More people live on this continent than half the population of the entire world. There are also many problems in the same continent. According to statistics, the unemployment rate in Asia will be 4.71% in 2024.This means that 225.4 million people are unemployed in Asia. The number of unemployed people may be much higher as accurate data is not available for most countries. The population of Europe is approximately 741.6518 million. About 6.4 percent of people are unemployed in Europe.This means that around 47.5 million people are unemployed in Europe. Europe is considered one of the developed and prosperous continents of the world. Literacy rates are nearly 99 percent across Europe. The population of the continent of South America consists of 442.969 million people. 37.21 million people are unemployed in Latin America. The total population of the Oceania continent is 46.126 million. The unemployment rate in this continent is 4.9%. This means that 2.25 million people are unemployed in the continent of Oceania. Based on some statistics 432.36 million people are unemployed worldwide.

Unemployment is a major reason for begging.

Everyone has some expenses. Whether he is unemployed or employed. But unemployed or low-income people try to keep their expenses to a minimum. People who do not have any means of livelihood and do not have any property. So in such situations their income is zero. According to the principles of economics, the expenses of a living human being can never be zero. In such situations that you do not have any means, but the expenses are less, they will still be there. In such situations, people are forced to beg. For some time people feel ashamed of this work. But with the passage of time these people become professional beggars. In many places it has also happened that this profession has been passed down to the next generations. According to the principles of economics, beggars are a burden on society. A beggar collects money from people based on sympathy. But in return it does not give any benefit to any person or society.

Due to unemployment, people become involved in various crimes.

Some people are fed up with unemployment and poverty and fall into the world of crime. A beggar only asks for some help, if someone gives it is fine. If people do not give them alms, they go on their way. But those who become robbers rob people by force. If people don't willingly hand over their valuables to them. Then these people try to take it by force. Then these criminals force people to commit dangerous crimes up to murder to get their things. Some people in underdeveloped or developing countries are fed up with unemployment and start smuggling. No single person group or community is visibly harmed by this type of crime i.e. trafficking. Such people cause huge damage to the economy of the entire country. Among these smugglers there are also some smugglers who smuggle dangerous narcotic substances. Which leads to ruining the lives of many people. Also, unemployment is the root cause of many other crimes. At first the criminal commits petty crimes. These petty criminals commit major crimes that make them big criminals. By keeping these criminals in jails or executing them, the society can be protected from them. But the lives of these criminals are ruined.

Many people become psychotic due to unemployment.

Many people become psychotic due to unemployment. Unemployment leads to increased stress in a person's life. Some believe that unemployment itself is a disease. Money is an important factor to fulfill all the needs in human life. A source of income must be employment or property. If a person has neither employment nor property for income. It is very difficult for such people to meet their daily expenses. In such a situation, these people cannot get good food for themselves, cannot get good treatment, cannot educate their children well. People are mentally disturbed to achieve all these. Due to this mental stress, people suffer from various diseases with the passage of time. As high blood pressure causes heart disease and many mental diseases. These diseases can often be fatal for them. These mental disorders often take dangerous forms in unemployed people. People who have acquired education credentials in their life often burn them. Some people even commit suicide due to unemployment.

Increasing in unemployment in any country leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of the people in that country.

95% of people in the world get their expenses from business or different types of jobs. There are barely five percent of people who cover their expenses from their properties. The purchasing power of people in any country depends on two things. The lower the unemployment rate in any country, the higher the purchasing power of the people in that country. Second, the lower the inflation in any country, the higher the purchasing power of the people in that country. Purchasing power and employment ratio are dependent on each other. For example, if there are 500 households in a neighborhood. There is also a small market in this neighborhood. So the people of this neighborhood buy their daily necessities from this market. If the life of the people of this neighborhood is prosperous and unemployment rate is low. So they would like to live their life more comfortably. The people of this neighborhood will get the things they need to live a comfortable life from the market of this neighborhood.On this basis the business will be more in the same market. More workers will be needed in the same market. So more people of the same neighborhood will get the chance to work in the market. This will further reduce the unemployment rate in this neighborhood. If the quality of life of the people of the same neighborhood is not good and the unemployment rate is not low. Then instead of providing employment opportunities to people in the same market, people will be laid off. This example clearly shows that purchasing power and unemployment rate are clearly interdependent on each other.

Addiction due to unemployment.

Unemployed people face various problems due to unemployment. But it would also be wrong to say that the number of people suffering from addiction is due to unemployment. There are many other reasons. But it is also true that people suffer from various types of problems due to unemployment. Addiction gives temporary relief. Unemployment is seen as a blemish in today's society. When a person becomes addicted due to unemployment. Then this person will have two defects instead of one defect.Then this person is an unemployed, bankrupt and also a drug addicted.

Due to unemployment, people migrate on a large scale.

Many people are forced to migrate due to unemployment. So that they can find a job for themselves in another city or another country. Some people move alone to another city or another country for employment. Then these people themselves deliver their earnings to their home or send this money to their home through some other means. Some people move to another country or city for employment along with their family. Migrating is a tough phase. Because in this, people have to leave their cities and their loved ones. When these people move to another country or another city. There all the people are strangers for them. It is difficult to maintain in that new city or country. If this person has gone to another country for employment. Then getting legal documents to work in the same country is also a big problem. Apart from all these, another problem for them is this. That the people of the host country or city do not like people who come to their country or city for employment.

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