Global Problems



Trade difficulties of landlocked countries.(2024)

Landlocked countries are countries that have other countries on all of their borders. Such countries do not have beaches. Which means these countries are surrounded by land from all sides. According to some estimates, the number of landlocked countries is 49. These countries often face the following difficulties in trade.

Agreements have to be made with the countries that are located on the shores of the sea.

Landlocked countries make treaties with countries that are located on the coast of the sea. At the time of making any agreement. The representatives of each country try to achieve more in the interest of their country. Representatives of countries that have beaches will never ignore this. They will see the compulsion of the landlocked country as much as they will decide in the interest of their country. Many such countries benefit greatly from the constraints of landlocked countries.

Relations of landlocked countries with neighboring countries also have a major impact on their trade.

Borders between neighboring countries often have problems. Sometimes these problems become so severe. As a result, the forces of these countries even fight. Most of these problems arise for landlocked countries. If it has a problem with a country that provides it with a sea route. Then such countries create many excuses and problems in trade for landlocked countries. In such a case, the landlocked countries are forced to accept the demands of these countries. Countries that provide sea access. So in this situation, most of the damage that occurs and goes to the landlocked countries.

Multinational companies do not easily invest in landlocked countries.

Multinational companies face several barriers to investment in landlocked countries. Transporting raw materials to landlocked countries is costly for these companies. Made in locked countries, the goods are expensive to reach the destination. Compared to the countries that are located on the coast. Landlocked countries are generally less populated. So, for this reason, the consumption of things in these countries will also be less. That is why multinational companies invest in countries that have direct access to the ocean. The needs of landlocked countries are also met by countries that are located on the shores of sea. This is also a major reason why employment opportunities are less in landlocked countries. Compared to the countries that are located on the coast.

Landlocked countries have to enter into special agreements with several countries to export their minerals.

There are some landlocked countries that are rich in natural reserves. In the country where there are natural resources, the life of the people of that country becomes prosperous. But they have to be delivered to other countries of the world where they are needed. Many problems arise for landlocked countries to export natural resources. Landlocked countries have to enter into agreements with many countries. To export their natural resources. Gas or oil pipelines nowadays pass through many countries to reach countries in need. Many countries have special agreements for the laying of such pipes. All the countries through which this pipe passes impose taxes on it. It can be said for the same reasons. Landlocked countries also face difficulties in exporting their natural resources.

Landlocked countries that export goods by sea. So for this, they need special agreements with their nearest coastal country. As a result, the offshore country imposes a certain amount of tax. As a result these things become more expensive for the consumer. Most industries in locked countries make products that are mostly used in their countries. Products made in landlocked countries are expensive for consumers in overseas countries. Because coastal countries do not have to pay tax on the export of goods to any country. Only the importing country charges the tax. In contrast, landlocked countries pay taxes to two or three and sometimes four countries. Landlocked countries face a similar situation in terms of imports also. For this reason, products made in overseas countries are very expensive for those living in landlocked countries.

International Law for Exports and Imports of Landlocked Countries.

An international law already exists for landlocked countries. Coastal countries are bound by this law. That they give way to the exports and imports of landlocked countries through their ports. Even after this law, landlocked countries are facing many difficulties. As offshore countries impose their own taxes. There is no rule that everyone should be taxed equally globally. That amount should be acceptable to all landlocked countries.

Some landlocked countries use airways to export their goods.

Some landlocked countries use air routes to import and export their goods. Importing or exporting through this route is very expensive. By air routes, goods can be transported to their destination quickly. Yet this route is not preferred by most countries.Because this way is very expensive. It is commonly referred to as an air corridor.

Lack of special organization of landlocked countries.

These countries have no special organization. Due to lack of any special organization, these countries face many problems. Landlocked countries have to talk directly with these countries. Which is nearer to them and located on the seashore. Most of the decisions are in favor of the countries that give way to them. If they had a special organization. So they could raise their problems in this organization. These problems of the landlocked countries would be solved very easily at the international level. The voice of a single country does not have so much impact. As much impact as the sounds of 49 countries together. For this reason, landlocked countries must have their own special organization. which can play an effective role in solving their trade problems.

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