Global Problems


Karachi City Problems

Karachi city problems

Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan. It is also the capital of Sindh. Karachi is largest industerial city of Pakistan. This is the richest city of Pakistan. The land area of this city is 3780 km2. Which means on each kilometer square in karachi are 4500 people living. On each meter square, there are more than four people living .It is known as the city of lights. Karachi is the old capital of Pakistan. It is call as the city of Quid. population of the city up to 20.3 millions. It is the financial and commercial hub of Pakistan.The GDP of this city is around US $210 billion. A large number of vehicles and two wheelers ply on the roads of Karachi.


ere are nearly 4 million vehicles ply on roads of Karachi. 1.3 million are cars. There are also 450,000 commercial vehicles ply on the roads of Karachi. There are nearly 4,000,000 two wheelers registered in Karachi. More than 70% of these two wheelers are ply on the roads of Karachi every day. Many of these vehicles are below 2000 model. The condition of many vehicles is exhausted. Many of the two wheelers have been used for more than 10 or 15 years. Each year more than 250,000 to wheelers are registered in Karachi city. The vehicles which are used in Karachi city are drive more long distances than other cities. It’s because Karachi is a very vast city. There are many rickshaws also used for the purpose of public transport. The taxis which are used in Karachi city Many of them are too old, some of their models below 1990. Some of these vehicles are ply for 16 to 20 hours in Karachi. It is not necessary that the all above mentioned vehicles are running in Karachi. Around 25 to 30% of these vehicles are running in are used in other cities of Pakistan. But a very large number of vehicles ply on the roads of Karach.

Old Vehicles

The large ratio of vehicles in use in Karachi are older than ten years. The taxis are running on the roads of Karachi are also old. Some of these models are 1974. These taxis are around fifty years old. Buses are used in Karachi for public transport. Some of them are ford model 1972. They are 52 years old. Old vehicles emit a large quantity of smok. The emitted smoke of old vehicles contains metal particles. Old vehicles also produce a high volume of noise.

Traffic Problems.

Each day millions of vehicles, Rickshaws and by wheelers are moved on roads of Karachi. The number of these vehicles have increased with the passage of time. although the government has built many bridges and flyovers for vehicles. Government also has made the bypass Road for the purpose of reducing the burden on the roads of the city. After all of these, the roads of Karachi often block for several hours. It is a big cause of fuel wasting and heat produced by the engine of vehicles. The blockage of roads due to traffic is a cause of wasting time. a large amount of pollutants also produced due to blockages of traffic.

Public Transport System

Public transport of Karachi, consist of buses, rickshaws, and Taxis. There are a large number of buses ply on the roads of Karachi. Rickshaws and taxis also have a large. Huge ratio of public transport vehicles are old. There are many buses and rickshaws are more old than 20 years so on. This vehicle emits a large quantity of smoke. The running time of buses and other public transport vehicles, is very long. One of the reasons is that the city is very vast. The government of sindh introduced new buses. Which has reduced pollution in the city. The government of Sindh must increase the number of government buses for public transport. For the purpose of reduction of air pollution in Karachi city. it necessary for government and public to reform in karachi city. some persons and Government of sindh have play very important rule for protection of environment of Karachi.

Railway Station of Karachi

Karachi railway station buildup in during British government. And the amount spent on Karachi railway station is Rs.80,000. It was built up in 1898. It is one of the most primary railway stations of Pakistan. It is an international railway station. It has a linkage with India. The Sindh government has given the status of heritage to Karachi railway station. passengers can travel from Karachi to Peshawar and from Karachi to India. Every day this railway station are ran 32 passenger trains and 11 loading trains. On a daily basis 50,000 passengers use this railway station. Each train comes or leaves Karachi station around 40 minutes inside Karachi. 7000 HP freight locomotive train engines burn each hour 1320 L. Up to 40 passenger and loading trains run every day in Karachi. These 40 trains moves to 40 minutes inside Karachi.
Each train burns 883 L of fuel. all trains run in Karachi ib one day. they use 35,320 L of fuel. The burning of these fuels produces 8000 kg of carbon dioxide, many other pollutants also produced by these trains. Recycling of these pollutants requires hundreds of thousands of trees. These trains also can run on electric power. This electric power can be generated by the solar system also. the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy is an environmental friendly process.

Karachi Airport

This airport spread over 1500 acres of area. It’s known as Jinnah international airport. According to some sources this airport has capacity for 12 million passengers yearly. This airport is an international standard airport. More than a dozen flights take off and more than a dozen flights land at Jinnah international airport Karachi.On average an airplane burns 0.7 liters of fuel per second. In one minute it burns 42 liters of fuel. Each airplane takes up to ten minutes for landing and taking off in karachi. It means each aircraft burns 420 liters of oil inside karachi. Each liter of fuel on burning produces 230 grams of carbon dioxide. If 50 aircraft land or takeoff. 4830 kilograms of carbon dioxide will be produced.


Karachi is known as a big industrial city of Pakistan. These industries are divided into three parts. Big industries, Medium industries and small industries. The number of factories operating in Karachi is around 40000. Some factories have thousands of workers and some have only 3 or two. These factories are consist of food textiles, steel pharmaceuticals, cosmetics soap and many other industries. Some of them are small companies like ice factories and water filtration plants.

Steel Mills

There are nearly 65 steel mills in Karachi or around the city. The largest steel mill of Pakistan is located in Karachi. There are many problems created by steel mills with the production of steel. Steel mills emit a large amounts of smoke and greasy dust. The steel mills, a cause of emission of dust, contain heavy metals. The tiny metal particles can be found near the areas of steel mills. These tiny metal particles also can be found in air. Steel mills using filters for control of hazardous particles in emissions. These filters have an efficiency limit. These filters cannot control all tiny particles Emission of steel mills. The residents near steel mills said they washes their vehicles after a short time. These greasy dust particles are also found indoors. These are tiny particles inhales by workers and nearby residents. These greasy particles after inhalation stickes in air sack of lungs.


with the passage of time the population of Karachi increased and its going on. The farming land converted in residential schemes and societies. the decrease of farming land has many effects. With the increasing prices of land. Farmers sold their forms on buelders. Then builders changed those farms in schames. Now those farms have changed in towns. Those farms had a big contribution in providing fresh vegetables and cleaning of air. The cleaning of air is a necessary factor for Karachi city.

Electricity Shortage

Electricity shortage. Electricity shortage is a big problem in Karachi. The shortage of electricity is causing load shedding. Due to load shedding the public use other sources for daily life necessities. The usage of generator batteries are the sources used by the public for the sake of electricity. There are some electric power plants run on coal, petroleum, oils and other sources as burning of garbage is also used for production ofelectricity. The government uses nuclear energy for production of electricity. These both sources are not human friendly. The requirement of electricity must be fulfilled by solar, hydraulic and wind energy. As a source for production of electricity. These sources are human friendly.


According to information in Karachi city each square meter more than five people live. The total population of Karachi is estimated at 20.3 millions. There are total parks in Karachi above then 80. Each park use by 210,000 people. Eachl parks has capacity of 5000 to 10000. There must be more than 100 trees in a park. Each tree produces nearly 400 grams of oxygen. In comparison with New York has 24 times more parks than Karachi. The parks of New York are much bigger than parks in Karachi. Parks are very necessary in those cities where people live vertically in buildings. The people living in flats , it's necessary for them to exercise and jog. With respect to population Karachi needs more than one thousand parks. If the number of parks becomes 1000. Then there will be one park for 17000 people.

Burning of Garbage.

There are many garbage dumps in Karachi city. The city Karachi is very big. The number of workers in municipal corporations is too low Than the numbers are required for cleaning the city. According to some statistics every person uses one plastic bag. It means each day 20.3 million plastic bags are used. The lifetime of a plastic bag is between 100 to 1000 years. These plastic bags make huge amounts of garbage. Burning of garbage dumps produces large amounts of toxic chemicals containing smoke. In these garbage damps many micro organisms flourished. These microorganisms cause many kinds of diseases. These garbage dumps minimize the beauty of the city.

Forests in Karachi

Manggroves forest

Mangroves Forest is a unique habitat for many wildlife. There are birds living in the mangroves forest. It has more than 1 m long legs. One of the characteristics of this bird, it can change its color with respect to its food. In this jungle, a strange type of fish also lives. It may be an amphibian. It spends more time on land than water. This forest is the seventh biggest mangroves forest in the world. It has a large number of flaming birds. These flaming birds eat algae, which are found in a large quantity in warm water. In this jungle is a very dense population of plants. It has uncountable benefits for the people living around this jungle. There are millions of trees in this forest.

Clifton Urban Forest

Clifton urban forest. There are around 700000 trees. These trees consist of 45 species. In this forest, 83 other types of plants have grown. The creation of this forest began in early January 2021. The main purpose of this jungle is restoring the ecosystem of Karachi city. It is also a habitat for many birds.
These both above-mentioned forests play an important role in the reduction of pollution in Karachi city. These forests work as the lungs of Karachi city. With the increasing number of trees, the population of birds will also increase.jungles have a great role in lowering the temperature. It also provides a pleasant surrounding for the residents of Karachi. The Government of Sindh also played an important role in the creation of Clifton urban forest.

Low Income

Low income when the income of people is less than requirement for average life. Then those persons select ways for managing their life in low income. They use old cars and biwheelers. These old vehicles are the cause of producing a large quantity of pollutants. They use the cheapest methods for life. The food is used in plastic bags instead of plates. The plastic bags provided them from hotels or Dabbas, from where they get food. Then the use of plastic bags increases the garbage dumps. The houses in which they live have not electricity and gas. The sources utilize as fuel for burning the old clothes, coals, used plastic bags and old shoes. Burning of these all things is a cause of pollutants and a huge amount of smoke is also produced. The burning of rubber produces a large amount of carbon black. Carbon black is a big Cause of making clothes dirty and has many other effects on human activities. They have not approaches to necessities of life as medical and education.

Some Other Factors

There are many other factors that are causing pollution in Karachi city. A large number of junk markets are functioning inside Karachi. The junkie sells usable things. The useless objects are thrown into the garbage dumps. They burn a large amount of rubber wires and tires. The burning of rubber produces a large quantity of carbon black, and many other toxic pollutants. In Karachi, there are a lot of garages. Those garages are utilized for maintenance of vehicles, by wheelers, rickshaws and many more. They also wash machine parts with oils and other materials. They use water for washing many devices. The used oil and contaminated waters emit in the drainage of the city from garages. A large number of marriage halls exist in every part of Karachi city. These marriage halls are used for functions, marriage ceremonies, and many other events. Marriage halls use a lot of lights. The city is already facing a long time load shedding of electricity. They also have a big contribution in producing large amountsi of garbage.