Global Problems


Global Problems

Many countries faces threat due to up levelling of oceans.

Karachi city problems

Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan. It is also the capital of Sindh. Karachi is largest industerial city of Pakistan. This is the richest city of Pakistan. The land area of this city is 3780 km2. Which means on each kilometer square in karachi are 4500 people living. On each meter square, there are more than four people living .It is known as the city of lights. Karachi is the old capital of Pakistan. It is call as the city of Quid. population of the city up to 20.3 millions. It is the financial and commercial hub of Pakistan.The GDP of this city is around US $210 billion. A large number of vehicles and two wheelers ply on the roads of Karachi.

Problems of Lahore City

History of Lahore city. Fog problems in Lahore city. Traffic issues in Lahore. Transport system of Lahore city. Air pollution problems in Lahore. Sound pollution in urban areas of Lahore. Decrease in the number of trees. Drinking water problems in Lahore city. Garbage dumps problems in the city. The problem of sewage drains. Rising house prices. The problem of low income of citizens. Youth unemployment.Industries in Lahore city. The issue of workers' rights. Educational problems in Lahore city. Bird problems in Lahore. Load shedding problem in Lahore.