Global Problems



Cigarettes Smoking.

(1) Numbers of factories are producing cigarettes worldwide.
(2) Production methodolgy of cigarettes.
(3) Invention of Cigarette.
(4) the production of cigarettes in all over the world every year.
(5) Users of cigarettes.
(6) Use of cigarettes in public places.
(7) Amount of nicotine in each cigarette.
(8) Remianents of cigarettes
(9) Each packet is packed in a plastic, which is not easily recyclable.
(10) Easily usable source for other drugs
(11) Kinds of cigarettes.
(12) Health Effects.
(i) Effects of cigarettes on human appearance.
(ii) Mouth Problems
(iii) Lungs Problems
(13) US government actions to stop smoking.
(14) United Nations efferts.
(15) Other countries actions for prevention of smoking.
(16) Loss of lives due to smoking each year.

(1) Numbers of factories are producing cigarettes worldwide.

Around 90 thousand factories make cigarettes in the world. Some of them are big factories and some are small factories. Among them, there are 400 such factories, which also have many branches at the international level. There are some cigarette manufacturing companies that have branches all over the world. This means that their products are available all over the world. There are many unregistered companies that manufacture cigarettes in developing or underdeveloped countries. These unregistered companies also manufacture cigarettes on a large scale. The annual revenue of all these cigarette manufacturing companies is hundreds of billions of dollars. Some of these cigarette manufacturing industries have more than 10,000 workers. Every year many new cigarette factories are built. Along with the introduction of new technologies into industries. The number of cigarettes produced on an annual basis also increased significantly.

(2) Production methodolgy of cigarettes.

A cigarette costs less than a cent to make. The selling price of a cigarette is between 10 and 30 cents. The cost of making cigarettes and the selling price show that it is a profitable business. The process of making cigarettes starts with growing tobacco. Two types of tobacco are grown to make cigarettes. One of them is called Bright Leaf and the other Burley. Both types of tobacco are used in high quality cigarettes.The process of cutting the tobacco crop and drying it is called curing. The tobacco is then placed in a steamer. Through this process the laminas are separated from the tobacco leaves. After this process, the tobacco is stored for two years. The place where this tobacco is stored must be dry. Humidity should be negligible. Tobaccos are stored for two years so that they can restore their flavor. After this process, the same tobacco is used to make cigarettes. Blending of different tobaccos is done on the basis of requirement. Tobacco goes through five stages before it becomes a cigarette.
Reconstituted leaf
Blended leaf
Improved stem
Expended stem
Expended tobacco
Apart from these five stages, cigarettes have to go through many more stages till they are packed in a packet.

(3) Invention of Cigarette.

In the present shape of cigarettes, it was invented byJams Buchanan Duke. This person also had played an important role in the marketing of cigarettes. The first cigarette available in the market. Its name Was DUKE OF DURHAM. Then another engineer made a machine for making cigarettes. With the coming of machines, the production of cigarettes increased from 250 to 200,000.

(4) The production of cigarettes in all over the world every year.

Each year with respect to many statistics there are 5.5 trillion cigarettes produced. Around 250 billion cigars are produced each year.500 billion cigarettes are produced in Europe.the number shows that 1000 cigarettes are made for each user in Europe. These cigarettes are manufactured around ten countries in Europe. A large number of cigarettes are produced in Asian countries. There are 200 billion cigarettes sold in America each year. Statistics show a reduction in the use of cigarettes. Which is a positive indicator. Some Asian countries manufacture a huge number of cigarettes.

(5) Users of cigarettes.

There are more than 1.3 billion users of cigarettes all over the world. Most of the users of cigarettes belong to developing and underdeveloped countries. It means that most the users cigarettes belong to low income countries.near 37 % male are smoking and near 8 % of females are smoking cigarettes. This mean around 310, million females are smoked cigarettes the world. Number of male smokers is more than 1 billion in all over the world. In some countries allowed the persons who is age more then 18 years to purchase cigarettes. other countries allowed 16 years old but some contries even though some countries have a rule to sell cigarettes at 14 years old.
There are also some countries in the world. There are no restrictions on anyone. Anyone at any age can purchase cigarettes. some countries where 20 or 21 year olds can purchase cigarettes . The highest rate of smokers is between 25 to 44. From 45 to 64 Also has the second place in using of cigarettes.

(6) Use of cigarettes in public places.

Some countries have rules for smokers. They are not allowed to smoke everywhere. While many other countries have no restriction on smokers whenever they want to smoke. They can smoke cigarette everywhere. Some countries have rules for smokers, but no one follows those rules. which are directions by their government. The people smoke in public transport, public parks. They can smoke everywhere they want.

(7) Amount of nicotine in each cigarette.

Each cigarette contains a specific amount of nicotine.This amount of nicotine varies with brands. The amount of nicotine in each cigarette reaches 1 to 1.5 milligrams

(8) Remianents of cigarettes.

After using cigarettes. The filter remains as an unusable part. These filters have made a large amount of garbage. According to statistics every year 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced it means that each year 5.5 trillion cigarette filters are produced. Each day Billions filters added to the garbage. An amount of ash also produced by smoking.

(9) Each packet is packed in a plastic, which is not easily recyclable.

Each packet required one 30 cm2 of plastic for its packing. According to statistics, their data shows each year 5.5 trillion cigarettes are produced. 20 cigarettes required a packet if the production amount was divided by 20. This amount will be 250 billion packets of cigarettes produced each year. It means that 3.2 billion m2 of plastic is required for packing cigarettes. Plastic sheets are not easily recyclable. For recycling or plastic sheets 100 to thousand years are required. This is a very long duration. On burning plastic sheets produce black smoke. This smoke contains dangerous particles for the health of humans. These used plastic sheets make garbage. This plastic sheet garbage cause of many other problems to the environment.

(10) Easily usable source for other drugs.

cigarettes used for smoking of marijuana or cannabis. Cigarettes are also used for smoking a specific type of tablet. These tablets also cause addiction and have many other negative effects on human health. For this purpose, low quality cigarettes are used. The user saves the amount for other drugs, which are used in cigarettes. It may also be that they do not depend on tobacco of cigarettes and its quality.

(11) Kinds of cigarettes.

There are many kinds of cigarettes as mentioned below.
combustible cigarettes
Common cigarettes are called combustible cigarettes. The cigarettes contain a filter. tobaccos are packed in a rounded paper.
Light hand role, or herbal cigarettes
Herbal cigarettes do not contain tobacco. It not contain nicotine and tar. Herbal cigarettes are composed of different kinds of herbs. But in this also the user inhales smoke. Inhalation of smoke also has many dangerous effects. It is used for quieting cigarettes. Some people believe that it has not addictive effects.
Electronic or E cigarettes.
In electronic cigarettes, the power source is the battery, and it has an atomizer also. E-cigarette have a tank or cartridge filled with liquid. It may be glycerin or propylene glycol.
Cigars and Little cigars
Cigars work the same as cigarettes. It is larger than a cigarette. It takes a long time to smoke a cigarette. It contains tobacco and is covered with tobacco leaves.
There are also some other kinds. Their names are mentioned below
Clove cigarettes
Bidi flavor cigarettes
Hookah water pipe cigarettes

(12)Health Effects.

(i) Effects of cigarettes on human appearance.

According to information a cigarette contains more than 4000 toxic substances. Many of these substances damage skin badly. It also damages protein fibers of the skin. These toxic substances also force the contraction of the blood vessels which provide blood to the skin. The contracting of blood vessels in the skin is a caused of reduction of providing oxygen and other necessary substances for skin. The users of cigarettes look older than their age. Cigarette smoking have effects on the body structure of user.

(ii) Mouth Problems.

Cigarettes have many effects on the buccal cavity. Smokers always face bad breath problems. Their teeth staine. The main reason for stained teeth are nicotine and tar. Both are found in cigarettes. Smoking reduces the blood circulation in the buccal cavity. Smoking increases the chances of mouth cancer. The mouth and throat cancer signs are much more found in smokers. Bad smell also because of smoking. That's the reason some people are not interested in meeting smokers. The smokers face mouth fever. It has a very bad effect on health.

(iii) Lungs Problems.

Lungs is an organ which is located in the thorax cavity. Further. lungs are divided into two part. One is the left part of the lungs and the other is the right part of the lungs. There is an airway, which is known as bronchus. Bronchus further devided into bronchioles. Then bronchioles are divided into bronchi. At the end there is a structure, which is known as air sacs.
(COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is a chronic disease in which the affected person faces problems breathing. These are two kinds of problems, affecting lungs at the same time.
It is a lung disease. With passage of time in this disease, the lung becomes distracted. This destruction occurs in alveoli.
Chronic bronchitis
In chronic bronchitis, inflammation takes place in bronchioles. Due to this the secretion of mucus increases. Also cause of damage to Cilia. Cilia is a structure that removes debris and microbes from lungs. after damaging the cilia the person cannot take breath easily.
If the above mentioned, two diseases are found in the patient. Combination of these is known as Chronic obstructive Pulmonary diseases. Up to 90% of the cause of this disease is smoking.
Smoking cases many other deases in humans.

(13) US government actions to stop smoking.

The US federal government has increased the budget for prevention of tobacco. Encourage the user of cigarettes to quiet it. Smoking remains a preventable death in the United States. The federal government is considering an increased in budget for the reduction of smoking in the country. Many US legislators have fantastic work for reduction, the use of tobacco. Many legislators have advised the government of the United States to put strong restrictions on the use of tobacco. Also for the manufacturer of cigarettes in the United States. According to statistics, every 10% increase in tex reduces the users of cigarettes 4% percent of adults, and 7% of other common users. The efforts of the federal government are still continuing. The US surgeon general told the health physicians. they should ask the patient about smoking. Continually keep records and tell patients to quit cigarettes.

(14) United Nations efferts.

WHO has a framework convention for control of tobacco smoking. This organization made an international pathway of control of smoking. This pathway has good results fast control on the use of tobacco.this strategy called framework convention on tobacco control.
31 May observe as Cigarette controll international day.

(15) Other countries actions for prevention of smoking.

Some countries have strong ban on the smoking of cigarettes in public places. But many countries do not have a good control. The smokers uses cigarettes in public transport, public parks each and everywhere they want. Even though some people smoke cigarettes in hospitals and school classrooms. The smoking of cigarettes has a bad defect on those who are around the smokers. It also causes health problems. Due to these people all also are exposed to the chemicals of cigarettes.The people are near to smoker also face health problems.
France put a ban on smoking at the beach. It will be helpful to the people to quit cigarette smoking. France also bans tourists from smoking in public places. Government of Mexico also has a good ban on smoking in all the country in public places. This act of Mexico will reduce the number of smokers of tobacco rules and regulations for electronic cigarettes, and also become more strict. Singapore has state rules for smokers. If an electronic cigarette found with a person. The person will be fined up to US $2000. Some other countries also have strict rules for smokers such as Malta, hungry Greece and Ireland. In 2023, Costa Rica also put a ban on smoking of cigarettes in all public places

(16) Loss of lives due to smoking each year.

According to some statistics, Each year more than 8 million humans lost their life due to smoking of tobacco. Every day 21,918 people lose their life. after every four seconds one user of tobacco lost his life.

Plastic Bags